Tuesday, February 12, 2019

More Universal Basic Income Thoughts

My recent difficult experiences and observations of the terrible plights of far too many people who have been made homeless, impoverished, and/or crushed by debt has made one thing abundantly clear. Imposing and enforcing the primacy of money, debt, the very wealthy, and those who rule through control of money, is wholly unconstitutional on several points. Allowing our nation to be used as the instrument to impose similar on other nation's peoples is likewise grossly immoral. My discussions from the point of view of a US citizen should also be understood as the basis for supporting the international establishment of solutions to end poverty, homelessness, most crime, and war.

Chief among the reasons the current system is unconstitutional is the fact that forcing people into homelessness, abject poverty, and crushing debt in service to current monetary systems is cruel and unusual punishment imposed for the sake of money, debt, and political philosophies that engender the worship of money and greed. It amounts to extra-judicial punishments based solely on the opinions and greed of those who profit from the struggle and suffering of entire populations. The Preamble to the US Constitution makes some very clear points about the purpose for our nation's laws and existence.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Unfortunately, we have permitted those who control money to rule us using their money and to deceive, manipulate and impose a grossly unjust and callous system based on greed instead of compassion, empathy, and the general welfare. It is slavery by proxy and the penalties for failing to follow the dictates of their greed and the strictures imposed via debt-based money ultimately results in slow and agonizing death and suffering for large numbers of people. It is the justification for the imposition of universal sadism instead of establishing justice, promoting the general welfare, insuring domestic tranquility, and securing the blessings of liberty. This should be blatantly obvious to anyone with an ounce of compassion and empathy.

Greed, aka the love of money, is the root of evil. It is the opposite of life and when elevated above the lives and well being of people and nature, using money as its primary motivation, it is indeed evil. As long as money does not serve the well being of all life, first and foremost, the great problems that bedevil humanity, our natural world, and this civilization as a whole will never cease. Supporting any system that guarantees widespread and persistent suffering is the opposite of good and is an enemy of life.

It is also the opposite of liberty, justice, and domestic tranquility. The structure of the current monetary system and resulting economies is the root cause for most crime and the fear, stress, and despair that are prevalent throughout all levels of our societies. It causes widespread mental disorders and starkly negative effects that are multiplied throughout our civilization. It drives the exploitation and destruction of nature and natural resources on a grand scale. It makes wars and war industry into primary profit centers and thereby perpetuates continuous war as a solution to problems and ultimately serves as their root cause. The profit motive then blocks solving them through peace and compassion.

The time to change this is now and the solution requires that mindsets about money and the value of life, human and all other types, go through a radical reset. Those trying to forestall liberty and justice for all, and who have little respect for domestic tranquility and the general welfare show their absolute disdain for the underlying and clearly stated purpose of the USA as enumerated in the Preamble to our Constitution and throughout its other provisions and amendments.

General welfare is the same as universal welfare and that requires things like a universal basic income and universal healthcare to be established and protected as more important than the other considerations used to keep people subjugated by those who worship the primacy of greed. Profits and commercial considerations are human constructs and we can now see the great harm being done everywhere. Since money and economies were created by people, we can also change them so they are no longer the sources of so much harm and in fact become tools to heal the wounds caused for so long.

Such a change will never happen soon enough to forestall numerous obvious and looming disasters on the near horizon by following the same old paths and relying on the current paradigms. Politics is wholly unsuited to the tasks at hand without something to get people to agree to cooperate to solve our great problems and soon. That is why some must swallow their pride and assist me so I can go public sooner than later.

Those who fear me because of my books and the other things I have been writing about and then working to prevent my success must cease and desist and think about the general welfare of everyone. Humility and the courage to solve the big problems sooner than later will result from my advent on the national and international stages and then life will become good for all, without excuses and without fail.

Here is the previous article:

Here is the next : The Hidden Value of Bitcoin, Crypto, and Block-Chain Technology

Here is Wisdom...

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Universal Basic Income & the Foundation Economy

Following is a long discussion of how to change the current financial system and establish a living wage UBI. This is the first in a series, now three articles, with a fourth coming soon.

I've attached a video that briefly discusses key details. I'll disagree with some of the details herein, especially the small amount mentioned.

Note: 11/12/2020
Since I first wrote this back in December 2018, after advocating for it in earlier articles and discussions in the prior decade, much has changed on the national and global stages because of Donald Trump and then the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is beyond obvious that had we already established a universal basic income and universal healthcare, it would have been a simple task to make it through this crisis. It is thereby obvious the current monetary system, which causes the need for constant growth and profits and earned cash flow, or bad things happen soon, is a primary factor of why we have done so poorly here in the USA. The primary method of enslaving people in this civilization has been clearly exposed by me (and others) and by the effects of this pandemic on the nation and global civilization.

With a living wage UBI and universal healthcare, there would not have been the great need to work to avoid becoming homeless and dying. We could have hunkered down without the fear and all the boneheaded shenanigans this situation has permitted the Trump admin and GOP to undertake. COVID-19 also showed that the reduction of travel and industrial activity during the shutdowns in various places around the world caused the air and water to clear noticeably and quickly, also showing the direct cause and effect between the monetary system, resulting economies, and effects on the natural world and its systems.

Now that we have gained more evidence that the current monetary system causes far more harm than we can continue to endure, it is time to take the necessary steps to solve this long term problem. In addition to the widespread struggle and suffering caused by our economies, organized around debt based money, it is also the driving force behind the waste, pollution, and resulting climate change that now threatens our very existence.

Far more people are now becoming aware of and pushing for a Universal Basic Income, an idea that has been around for centuries. Now its time has truly come. Our current level of technology, plus centuries of experience, will now allow us to change the nature of money and economies in a way that will solve most social ills by eliminating their underlying negative causes. It will also drastically shrink government and eliminate the need for most social programs of today, which primarily exist to counter the horrendous effects of the current monetary system. Through the dramatic reduction of crime and conflict it will also greatly reduce the need for police forces and militaries. Contemplate the ancient promise of swords into plowshares.

Most of the UBI proposals now proliferating present various schemes to manipulate taxes as a way to fund payments to citizens. The primary flaw of all such plans is to limit them to the taxes available from various forms of revenue, leaving them susceptible to nefarious manipulations of the economy and its normal cyclical ups and downs. Both would affect any tax funded UBI system. Since the cyclical swings of the current system are based on a combination of debt and speculation driven by greed and fear, we need to establish a barrier between them and the basic needs of people and the foundations of society and civilization. I'll explore how later on in this discussion.

The other major failing of most other proposals is to limit the amounts provided to less than a living wage. There are two motives for this. The first is the perceived need to base the UBI on revenue from taxes and the difficulty of funding local and national systems. All efforts to shoehorn a living wage UBI into the current monetary and financial systems, based on tax revenues, will face this barrier to success. That is why it is necessary to end the reliance on debt based money and taxes.

The next reason behind proposing less than living wage amounts is the idea that people will not want to work anymore once they have money, which is false. This buys into the concept that it is somehow legitimate to base our lives, society, and global civilization on the vile premise that it is somehow sane, moral, or even Constitutional to force people to submit themselves to the control of those with more money, or die. This mindset is more proof that money is slavery by proxy as it now it exists. To insist that people must be forced into servitude and subservience to money and those with more of it, in order to survive, is the opposite of freedom. For this reason, a UBI and foundation economy breaks the chains of servitude to money by making its existence and function far more democratic and compassionate in nature.

This then brings up the question of conflicts between the US Constitution and the general concepts of personal freedom and morality. Forcing people into homelessness, abject poverty, and crushing debt is cruel and unusual punishment imposed for the sake of money, debt, and political philosophies that worship money and greed. The Preamble to the US Constitution makes very clear points about the purpose for our nation's laws and existence. Unfortunately, we have permitted those who control money and  rule us using their money to deceive, manipulate and impose a grossly unjust and callous system based on greed instead of compassion, empathy, and the general welfare. It is the opposite of liberty, justice, and domestic tranquility

Slavery was long ago determined to be immoral and illegal, yet we live in a civilization based on coerced servitude to money and those that control it.  This is wholly undemocratic, as is the fact that global money is ultimately controlled by people and organizations who are not US citizens and not subject to our Constitution. Now that money has been allowed into our political processes in such obscene amounts, those with more of it are able to manipulate our nation, and most others, in completely nefarious ways, as recent years have proved beyond any doubt whatsoever. In addition to the UBI, we must also end the ability of obscenely wealthy people to control us by controlling governments.

As I have said often, the current economy and financial systems are based upon debt and fractional reserve banking. Most of our taxes exist because of this system and the requirements to borrow money from central banks and repay it, plus the compounding interest on that debt. This system exists because those who run national and international central banks do so for profit and not as a public benefit. This should be painfully obvious by now. Further, because of fractional reserve banking, those who are allowed to create money are also able to profit far beyond their actual deposits or collateral. It thereby gives them control of the reigns of civilization and all governments. We can now see the overwhelming evidence that this has long caused great harm in numerous ways which grows worse as economies based on debt and the need for constant growth expand.

The combination of debt based money and fractional reserve banking work together to form a greed engine at the core of everything our civilization and all of its people do within various economies. It also causes layers of additional complexity that serve to increase the difficulty of everything, raising costs and requiring more growth to pay for the additional debt, resources, and labor required. Compounding interest is used to siphon off a percentage of the energies and resources of everyone and everything, human and otherwise. In this manner, people who control money and its creation profit from the struggle and suffering of an entire planet's people who are forced to labor and suffer under the negative effects of such a system.

Because money is based on debt and an artificially limited commodity, ultimately and secretly controlled by an astoundingly greedy and arrogant few, access to it is kept difficult for most. Because money is required to survive in this civilization, it serves as a carrot and stick to force most into servitude to those with more money, just to survive. This means a percentage will always fail to secure the money to live and thereby will suffer in numerous ways, causing despair, desperation, poverty, homelessness, hunger, and poor physical and mental health among a percentage of the population. In a civilization as technologically advanced and wealthy as ours, failing to house, feed, and provide healthcare to anyone is completely unnecessary and wholly unacceptable.

Because we are all entrapped in a global system based on greed, which is the root of evil, compassion and empathy are limited, while the justifications for why money is treated as more important than life are not. The system of debt based money has been with us for millennia. It has evolved over time into the current global financial system. Throughout all that time, the system of debt based money has never ended poverty and homelessness anywhere it exists, while at the same time making a few fabulously wealthy and powerful.

Even though we are at the peak of our national wealth and power, every city has hundreds, if not thousands, of people suffering from a lack of homes because of lack of money, even though plenty of each already exist to solve the problem, many times over. This is what a civilization based on greed does. This is evil, pure and simple. Look at our world to understand this.

One of the great benefits of a living wage UBI will be the end of the fear and greed that drives this civilization and its peoples to participate in a system that causes so much harm to all life on this planet. Another will be the end of poverty and homelessness and most crime. Everyone will have guaranteed income and housing and no fear of running out or going homeless or starving, etc. Then the focus shifts to running a compassionate civilization that benefits people and does not destroy the natural systems and life on the only planet we have.

So the big question is how to make it work. The first and most important step is to grasp that money and the underlying monetary system, as it now exists, is not a positive force in this world. Hence, debt based money must be eliminated to improve our existence. Next is to grasp that we can easily restructure how money works and comes into existence. Rather than putting value on debt and collateral, we simply need to value people and their voluntary participation in a civilization purposely reorganized to fairly and compassionately benefit everyone, without fail. We should also value the basics of a safe and sane civilization. These are the things that provide value to life and thereby this is where and how money should come into existence.

The combination of central banks, debt based money, and its planned scarcity for most, plus the requirement to use money to survive, eat, have a home, healthcare, etc. works to ensnare, enslave, and harness everyone into a hierarchical structure based mostly on money and wealth. The current monetary and financial systems are thereby punitive and thrive through fear, coercion, and blatant deception. This is why I say that money is slavery by proxy. Ultimately, eliminating money and simply cooperating in a voluntary and compassionate civilization is the key to full freedom. Until then, we need an intermediate stage that provides the primary benefits of civilization to everyone, without fail and without coercion, fear, greed, etc., and ends the ability of a greedy few to use money as their proxy to enslave everyone else.

A term I and others have used is a foundation economy. When I use it I am referring to an overall economic structure that has three or more zones or tiers that work together but with slightly different rules. The bottom tier, or foundation economy, consist of a living wage UBI and basic services like healthcare, education, infrastructure, guaranteed housing, food, clothing, and public services. In this model, the creation of money is done through the UBI payments to individuals, and to organizations involved in providing the products and services designated as part of the foundation economy, which then trickles up into the rest of the economy. This will create a fertile foundation for small businesses of all types, but especially those that cater to the needs of people and the basic foundations of civilization.

The other tiers above the foundation economy would be a crafts and small business economy, directly above and reliant upon the foundational tier. Then above that would be a luxury and commercial economy that would encompass larger businesses and likewise have different rules than those that apply to the other two tiers. One vital feature is that the foundation and craft and small business tiers would be free of debt. That would mean making small business grants available to any legitimate small business that provides any social benefit.

Providing a living wage UBI eliminates the ability of those with large amounts of money to control others because of the need to find money to survive. It gives people the option to work as much or as little as they want or are able. Likewise, the current problems of finding jobs and employees will go away. The current system, organized around debt-based money, limits both the availability of jobs and the flexibility of employees and employers alike. It also raises the costs of everything.

Most will want to participate in society and civilization and we will in essence, be paying ourselves for being alive and for participating. People with physical limitations, illnesses, or advanced age would no longer need to be concerned about money or jump through absurd and demeaning bureaucratic hoops just to survive. Even those that do not work a regular job will still be active participants in various ways, if only to support small businesses through their purchases. 

Furthermore, when people no longer have to worry all the time about the source of income or losing it unexpectedly, many will spend more time doing volunteer work. Many things fail to get done in our civilization because of lack of money to pay people to help or lack of people with free time. Furthermore, all the waste and damage we have done to nature must be fixed, and with a UBI it will be easy to attract volunteers and change how our economies and technologies operate.

In addition to the living wage UBI, the other components of the foundation economy must be housing, healthcare, food, clothing, education, infrastructure, communications, and transportation. Of these, housing, healthcare, education, clothing and food form the minimal basis for a healthy citizenry. Infrastructure, transportation, communications, public safety, and other public services likewise form the minimal basis for a safe, stable and functioning civilization. In this model, the same way that the UBI brings money into the economy by providing income to individuals, the basic services would also serve as another way money is created and flowed upward into the other tiers of the overall economy.

The other relevant topic is taxes. In this system, there would be no need for personal income taxes, except as a way to limit hoarding by some. Much of what we require taxes to fund would be covered by the UBI and foundation economy. Since money will not be based on debt, the inflation, speculation, and other negative aspects of the current system will no longer exist. Costs can be reduced across the board for all things. A large portion of taxes now go to simply pay off interest on national loans and other debt. This requirement will cease when this system is in place. Money will be created as needed and it will flow upwards into the craft and small business and commercial tiers. The combination of limits on wealth and taxes on commercial activity only will replace the need for personal income taxes.

As mentioned in all my discussions about a UBI and foundation economy, the current debt based system is not only slavery by proxy but is the root cause of most poverty, homelessness, crime and a dizzying array of personal and societal ills related to lack of money and the fear and despair it cultivates through all sectors of society, nations, and the global civilization as a whole. It is likewise the driving force behind wars over resources, territory, and religion. The ingrained fear of the negative results of lack of money is used to force people to work in negative circumstances that need not exist. The fear of the homeless, the less well off, migrants, other races, etc. are ultimately also caused by the competition for money and resources and the effects on those who lose or opt out of the game.

So, in closing, I hope this gives people a better idea of how to make the changes that will support the existence of a living wage UBI that is not reliant on tax revenue nor susceptible to the negative effects of the current economy and debt based money. The simple key is to change how money comes into existence, which is now much easier to do thanks to our current level of technology and accumulated experience and knowledge. In this way money creation becomes a publicly owned and managed system that is no longer a profit source for shadowy people and private organizations.

This is also not merely a question of political philosophy, but the safety of everyone and the survival of our civilization. Those who will attempt to prevent change and keep people entrapped in the current system will whine about socialism and communism, but those labels are irrelevant. This change will enhance democracy and personal freedoms dramatically. Climate change is also a real and pressing problem and economies organized around debt based money and the need for constant growth and profits are the root cause. Restructuring money and economies are required to solve and survive the great problems we all now face, rich and poor alike. 

The only reasons to delay are fear and greed, the same things that drive the current system.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Time for a New Day to Dawn

Hello Everyone,

I want to mention something very important now. Fear is the enemy. People have been led into a predicament where there is fear of other people for various reasons. That is how divide and conquer tactics work. Regardless of your life predicament, people are being driven by various fears and hate about topics like religion, money, politics, race, sexual orientation, national borders, and much more. These then cause actions that are wholly unnecessary.

As you can seen from the details of my article over the weekend, in addition to everything I have presented in recent years, the stories and history associated with all three Faiths of Abraham have been badly misinterpreted. Yes, there was a great effort by the Hebrew prophets to pass along certain knowledge and wisdom over the millennia. It has been symbolically encoded to ensure that the great errors of these religions would not cause it to be lost before the time it is needed the most, ergo right now. Also, these religions have served an important function to pass along certain details that were expertly encoded within the symbolism of their canons. That reality is very important for everyone to appreciate.

I have gone to great lengths and endured much to ensure that I would be here now with the knowledge necessary to help the world out of the great dangers that confront us all now. Much of that is related to money, religion, and politics. The information I have presented is backed up by ancient texts and numerous archeological finds in recent years as well as the lessons of history and current events.

There is no longer any reasonable doubt that the long term effort to pass along certain proofs and associated wisdom began near the end of the ice age, circa 11-13000 years ago. The recent archeology at Gobekli Tepe and its association with very precise details in Genesis and other texts and locales like ancient Egypt should leave little doubt about the reality of this, any longer. Furthermore, it also leaves proof of the fact that real events occurred that have been misinterpreted greatly. People have undertaken a staggering amount of misdirected efforts across the millennia because of a combination of misinterpretation and deception and fears. Now the truth of this should be obvious.

Now I am asking everyone to take a moment and contemplate the fact that I have presented the solution to ending the War on Terror, the incessant problems in the Middle East, the racism in the USA and elsewhere, and much more. Proof of the truth about the history of the past several millennia of human civilization, and especially that leading to the end of the current situations involving Judaeo-Christianity and Islam, will lead to world peace and a safe and saner future for the whole of humanity, as the direct result.

Thereby, I am asking everyone watching here and watching me locally to pause efforts against me so I can help you and everyone else. There is no need to fear the future and no need to fear me or what I have planned. I am going to help everyone who allows it and I have avoided legal retributions because I have no desire to cause harm to those who have tried to harm me. I hope this is very clear.

I am going to continue my efforts to end the current situations that are the source of those fears. Show some courage and humility right now. I have endured everything to be here now to help everyone leave our fears in the past so we can work together to end the insanity and create a more positive future.

Here is Wisdom...

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Time to Build a Better World

Hello everyone,

NOTE: The Gofundme link herein is no longer active but I left this information on line for others to understand. I know it is longer than most will bother with. I've had repeated troubles getting Gonfundme to link with my Facebook page and I assume this is being done by some to hinder my ability to extract myself from a long term trap I am still working to escape.Here is something more recent.

This is the description from my former Gofundme page at https://www.gofundme.com/Page7. The details herein are relevant to everyone regardless of whether you plan to or are able to help financially. Most important is to let others know what has been transpiring and that many monetary, political, and religious leaders have knowingly conspired to prevent me from revealing the truth about the topics I write about, using overtly evil and blatantly criminal actions against me. Please let others know and urge them to read this. My opponents are trying to take advantage of what has been done to and towards me as the new Trump administration is spreading fear and mayhem.

Now is the time to hold their feet to the fire and shine a light that will teach them the meaning of humility. People must understand the true nature of these hypocritical & holier-than-thou politicians and religious leaders and checkmate their impending criminality and overt Fascism, before they have the chance to do real harm. I have endured their criminal actions towards me for many years so everyone else would have the evidence to ensure they face truth and justice.

On the other hand, if you are one of those people who have been involved in the efforts against me, whether knowingly or unwittingly, and you want to help make things right, then please make an extra effort to help me now. We are all in this trap together and everyone needs a safe way out. I am the key.

Peace and Wisdom

My name is Lawrence William Page II. Friends and family know me as Buddy Page. I was born August 11, 1955, and I turned 61 years old on 8/11/2016. I am a former programmer and software engineer turned writer, researcher, and investigator.

My websites are at www.sevenstarhand.org and www.facebook.com/sevenstarhand. My blogs and press releases are linked to from my web page. My pen name is Seven Star Hand, and the story of its meaning and purpose are covered in my book, Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols . The full PDF version, self-published in 2010, may be freely downloaded from my website. 

This is a long description and I have published books and years of articles, Facebook posts, and press releases that will require patience to wade through to fully understand. I am asking for your help in the near term, before most will ever have time to read and understand all of what I have been doing. A great place to start reading is the Doctrine of Two Spirits article. I also recommend that you start reading my latest book also, which is linked to above. This article is excerpted from its preface. I will also start publishing summaries and oversights of my work of the past several years, to shorten the learning curve for everyone.

I am the individual long referred to as both “messiah” (aka moshiah, moshiach, etc.) and teacher and redundantly symbolized throughout all the Hebrew prophecies, and elsewhere. I am also known as the Prophet Elijah and have left redundant proof that now leaves little doubt about this.

Most of the assertions about me and my role in this lifetime are deeply erroneous, in large part due to the lies of Christianity. My presence and my race (African American and 1/4 Asian Indian...), plus the Vatican's use of overtly racist proxies in their efforts against me, are stunning proof that Christianity is a blatant lie, crafted by ancient Rome. They have long struggled to hide what actually transpired two millennia ago, to hide the truth about ancient wisdom, about the Hebrew prophets, and to confound knowledge about the Egyptian-Hebrew symbology used to encode secret details throughout all of their works,  across the past several millennia.

As religions are prone to do, all three faiths of Abraham are based on misinterpretation of the ancient symbolism throughout their canons, related texts, and concepts, and the great errors that have flowed from that, through time. Furthermore, once you understand the truth about the structured symbolism used by all of the ancient Egyptian and Hebrew prophets, and its long hidden rules, it becomes painfully and undeniably obvious that these religions have told some very big lies. 

Both Christianity and Islam were created from stolen and rewritten Hebrew texts, by Roman agents. Their fingerprints are redundantly evidenced throughout both religious canons. These religions were purposely designed to become enemies and they have been repeatedly manipulated into conflict by Rome (aka the Vatican...) because that is how they have managed their secretive empires since the fall of imperial Rome. Contemplate Machiavelli and the tactic of divide and conquer.

Judaism as we now know it, was organized in forced coordination with Rome. Survivors from the Jewish revolts acted in large part to save the Jewish people and their knowledge after the destruction of ancient Israel and Jerusalem. Some were also fully aware that their prophecies were set for the far future and protecting proof of the truth hidden in their texts and history was paramount. Unlike Christianity, Judaism and ancient Israel have real and verifiable history. The people throughout its texts are regularly validated through archeology, as well as textual evidence. The Dead Sea Scrolls are a prime example of real history that completely contradicts the Church in Rome and its long term deceptions.

On the other hand, the ancient prophets fully expected this and expended great effort over many millennia to ensure that the truth would not be lost and would be available for all to understand, when it was needed the most, far in their futures. The canons of all three Faiths of Abraham have the truth about their history and other stunning details secretly embedded beneath and among the many accumulated lies and errors.

The symbolism of ancient wisdom, which has very precise though well-hidden rules, was used to embed very specific and verifiable details throughout many ancient bodies of knowledge for several millennia. This includes throughout the original symbolic texts that would be modified over time and eventually make their ways into these religious canons and associated histories. These religions have been used throughout the past several millennia as a conduit to transmit precise though very well hidden proof of the truth, which includes stunning proof of religious lies and errors. That same proof also delivers profound wisdom designed to bring peace and sanity to humanity and to planet Earth.

In recent years, I have published detailed and voluminous proof of this, while exposing other deeply troubling and enlightening information. That has led "Church leaders in Rome," and their many proxies elsewhere, to undertake a truly bizarre and overtly criminal effort to prevent my success in this lifetime, because they have long known that I will end their ability to manipulate people based on their very profitable blatant lies.

My presence and my ability to pierce the great mysteries, and to quickly and easily see through both ancient and modern deceptions, has led a certain group of rich and powerful individuals, ultimately acting on behalf of the Vatican, to aggressively target me in bizarre ways, while spreading misdirection, mayhem, and fear throughout the USA, and the rest of the world. They have mostly acted through a series of proxies, while trying to hide themselves and their identities from me, and from everyone else. Consequently, I have spent the past several years running a private semi-public and advanced "sting operation" against the Vatican, while patiently gathering vital evidence and peeling back the many layers of misdirection and obfuscation.

Most of the racist, hateful, divisive, and overtly deceptive news and other bizarre activities coming from Faux News, News Corp., and the so-called right-wing machine in the USA (and elsewhere...) have ultimately been at the behest of the Vatican. They have aggressively used racists and widespread racism as one of their primary tools because I am African American. Much of the bizarre news and aggressive efforts to spread racial hate and fear, including the systematic jailing and killing of African American males, has been orchestrated in their efforts to demonize and attempt to have me killed.

Because of their ability to deceive people and thereby secretly manipulate key positions of authority and by extension entire nations and empires, when matched with their hidden control and manipulation of key news, media outlets, and national central banks, they have been able to keep most people duped, distracted, confused, and in fear about what has been transpiring since 9/11/2001, and why. 

The Vatican has spent the past several centuries gathering secret knowledge and planning a truly bizarre and overtly evil effort defeat the outcome of the Hebrew prophecies they have lied about for two millennia. One of the key details encoded using the symbology of stars and angels is the true timing of the conclusion of the Hebrew prophecies. In short, the prophecies redundantly and precisely encode the early years of the 17th 360-year cycle of the Hebrew calendar, which began just before the beginning of the 21st century on the Christian calendar, as the time of the conclusion.

This is the time of the "apocalypse" which actually means the great revealing of long hidden truths. I am the individual that the Hebrew prophecies have long predicted and this is the time promised. It is thereby no coincidence that the so-called "War on Terror" began in 2001. Most of what has transpired in recent years has been inspired by the Vatican's desperate fears of the truth promised by the Hebrew prophecies and fears of me as the agent of that truth.

Because of the Vatican's abject fear of the truth about Hebrew prophecies and prophets, I have been the target of a long-term vendetta that has included aggressive efforts to harass, demonize, discredit, and falsely imprison, along with repeated attempts to kill me. I have been surveilled since I was a child and the evidence of the manipulation of me, my family, and events in our lives and key newsworthy events otherwise associated with me is now overwhelming and no longer so easily dismissed. By high school in the early 1970’s, their fears of my scholastic and social successes led them to undertake an aggressive and criminal effort to interfere with my schooling by entrapping me and trying to have me falsely imprisoned, among other aggressive scenarios to slow my learning and other progress in this lifetime.

The actions taken against me in high school were the start of a long series of overt and blatantly orchestrated scenarios with the goal of entrapping, falsely imprisoning, and eventually killing me, without leaving evidence of who was behind it or why. Racism and racists as key proxies have been part of a well constructed smokescreen designed to hide the true motives, shift blame to others, and thereby obscure the hidden source. They ultimately failed back then and it launched me into a life-long struggle and adventure fending off aggressive efforts by hidden foes that has stretched from the east to the west coasts and in between, from the early 1970’s until now, in 2017. No matter where I have gone I have been confronted and targeted by people using the precise same tactics and techniques, obsessively and aggressively, and for decades. 

In recent years, in coordination with my writing and publishing, I have been engaged in a long, arduous, and dangerous investigation, both for my own protection and ultimately for the protection of everyone else. It became clear years ago that certain rich and powerful individuals, groups, and their paid proxies were engaged in an organized and aggressive effort to demonize, discredit, and entrap me. Simultaneously, they have spread misdirection, fear, and widespread mayhem to keep the rest of the world distracted from my presence and from what I have already exposed and proved.

Because of their great fears of the truth about ancient symbology, and their great fears about the true focus of the ancient Hebrew prophecies, they have obsessively attempted to use it in their efforts by trying to turn it against me, in numerous ways. Because of the obsessive use of certain precise tactics and symbolic techniques, both at the Vatican, and by their many proxies in the field, they have consequently (and cluelessly...) left years of undeniable and very precise evidence, repeatedly and redundantly pointing directly back to the Vatican.

The Vatican (Church in Rome) spent centuries gathering secret knowledge, which they have deceptively used to deceive and manipulate everyone else. The ultimate goal of the still ongoing Inquisition was/is to gather and extract secret knowledge, for their use. Everything else is part of a smokescreen to hide their true purposes and goals. As a vital example, the Vatican is fully aware of the reality of reincarnation and multiple lifetimes. Even so, they have kept their knowledge of this and use of it hidden from their followers, and everyone else, while aggressively using it against everyone, instead of helping people. All the while, they have continued to dupe their followers into thinking they only live once and to expect the magical return of someone that never existed. Every Pope has this knowledge and you can now grasp the true extent of their blatant lies throughout time. 

Church leaders in Rome have known for centuries that people reincarnated and that is how I (and everyone else) literally, “rises from the dead”. That phrase also has vital symbolic significance in ancient symbolic wisdom which helps to expose the core lies of Christianity. It provides a simple insight into how they have used the entire so-called “New Testament” to deceptively hide the truth about ancient wisdom, Hebrew prophecy, and what actually occurred two millennia ago, and in subsequent centuries.

Using various combinations of ancient techniques designed to track people from lifetime to lifetime, like Buddhists, the Essenes, Gnostics, and others have done for many centuries, they identified me way back when I was a child in the 1950’s. By the early 1960's they clearly knew who I was, decades before I would have any clue why I was being so aggressively targeted. Instead of showing some humility and helping the truth come out, and thereby helping the rest of humanity, they have instead been orchestrating a truly bizarre and overtly evil series of situations around the globe in the hopes of keeping everyone distracted, fearful, and deceived about what they have been doing in recent centuries, and why. 

Much of what has transpired since the early 1960’s was orchestrated with full knowledge of me in this lifetime and was part of the plan to make it more difficult for me to help others when the time arrived. Wars, the war on drugs, War on Terror, and much more, were all purposely set in motion as part of long-term effort to prevent the outcome of the ancient prophecies. 

The key knowledge that Church leaders in Rome have desperately struggled to hide from the rest of the world for two millennia is the true meaning and focus of those ancient symbolic texts and prophecies. My role is to expose the truth (aka the light…), which leads to the end of two millennia of blatant lies and deceptions cruelly and deceptively imposed upon the world from Rome. Everyone has been deceived and manipulated for a very long time. I am the long promised key that opens the gate that is the way out of this trap of an existence for everyone, everywhere.

Why I am raising money

I am raising funds to cover my living expenses, medical and legal bills, and various other costs involved in extracting myself from my current situation, as I go public. I have been kept under continuous pressure and scrutiny by certain rich and powerful opponents for many years. Their efforts grew more aggressive since I started writing and publishing proof of the truth that exposes millennia of religious lies and errors, as well as exposing the truth about many modern mysteries and current events. I have survived and operated on a very small budget for the past 15 years as I have patiently led hidden opponents through a series of legal and logic traps, so that responsible authorities would eventually have the evidence to act, and have no other choice but to do so. 

Due to the nature of my long-term situation, and my long-term efforts to track down and investigate those  who have been spreading fear, mayhem, and blatant deception, I have  been forced to forgo medical and dental care amongst many other imposed difficulties. I have patiently and repeatedly put myself in danger as I tracked down those secretly spying on and targeting me, since I was a child. Those same people have also been secretly orchestrating wars, terrorism, serial mass murders, aircraft crashes, and much more, and using their control of key media properties to spread disinformation and shift the blame to others. 

Because of my repeated successes at solving the great mysteries and exposing the crimes of a certain group of rich and powerful men and their organizations, I have been the target of a truly bizarre, insane, and criminal vendetta by the Vatican because of their great fears of the truth about the past two millennia. I have been forced to endure and fend off repeated efforts to harass, entrap, discredit, and demonize me in the hope of preventing people from paying attention to the truth. They have used the trifecta of money, religion, and politics to keep people fearful, divided, and confounded. Now that they are truly desperate, it is easy to see their fears played out in the actions of their primary proxies and others duped into helping them.

How will this money be used?

I need to acquire new computers, software, and other tools and services as I proceed to go public. Most importantly, I am extracting myself from the results of a multi-decade effort by the Vatican and certain rich and powerful cohorts. This will likewise help extract everyone else on this planet. I will continue to write articles, update and republish my current books, and publish others in progress.  As before, I'll publish hard copy versions, provide low cost e-pub versions formatted for tablets, while the PDFs will remain free downloads. 

Why do I need these funds?

Some money is required immediately to cover living expenses and the immediate legal costs that have been imposed upon me by those I have been investigating in recent years.  This will allow me to find a safe place to live and continue my work. This is not as easy as it might seem looking from the outside in. My opponents have expended significant effort over several years to block my ability to find housing, which they did not control. My opponents have also been struggling to make me homeless and thereby more vulnerable to violence and police action.

I'll expound on this in my articles and on my Facebook page, as required.

Why is this important to me?

I have endured decades of aggressive efforts designed to demonize me and discredit me. Since I knew it would be years before I could escape and extract myself from these efforts, I have instead allowed a certain amount of them to succeed to leave publicly available evidence of the precise and very illegal tactics and techniques being used against me, and against everyone else. I will continue to expound on these on my blogs, upcoming books, and in the news media. 

In conclusion....

As seen in the Doctrine of Two Spirits I have already provided the simple keys to solving humanity's never ending problems. I have backed this up with mountains of related knowledge, research, and investigations.  I have put myself in great danger and struggled for many years, under very difficult and often disgusting conditions, to be here now, when it is needed most.

Also, as you can see on this link from my web page , I am pragmatic about what must occur in the short term as we progress towards the ultimate goal of a safer, saner, and wiser existence for everyone, everywhere, finally freed from the great deceptions and errors of past centuries. 

I am now asking for your assistance to help me finish the job of helping everyone. In addition to monetary help, please also tell everyone you know to help by passing the information about me to their friends, family and others. Make sure that people with the ability to help in any way, monetary or otherwise, are made aware of me, ASAP.


Peace and Wisdom...

Lawrence (Buddy) Page
Seven Star Hand

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Doctrine of Two Spirits

The following is an excerpt from the Preface to Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols. The balance can be read in the book. The full PDF Ebook is linked to above and at the bottom of this posting. NOTE: This opens the PDF file directly or saves it, depending on your browser settings.

Please keep in mind that the acquisition of wisdom has always entailed patience and perseverance. Though I have gone to great lengths to help reduce the learning curve and time required, you will still have to be patient with my writing style and methods of explicating the concepts explored herein. In this instance, the rewards for your patience will be tangible and considerable as I verifiably demystify pivotal topics and vital details that have remained mysterious and impenetrable for millennia.

The context and meaning of many ancient texts and concepts have long been confounded and thereby lost on those deceived and/or deluded by the assertions of religious leaders, founders, and others. Over the millennia, spiritual wisdom and the ancient symbologies used to model, encode, and encapsulate it were purposefully recast and obfuscated into religion and mysticism to serve the greed and ambitions of monetary, political, and religious leaders who sought to hide pivotal knowledge from subjects and enemies alike. With the passage of time, the true purposes and meaning of the symbology and the wisdom it modeled and encoded were mostly lost to history. Consequently, most of the interpretations presented about the sources and meaning of these concepts and the philosophy and cosmology of ancient Egyptian, Nubian, and Hebrew sages are mostly wrong.

These ancient symbologies and what they encode have come down to us through a much longer history than most have imagined possible. A very long line of ancient sage-scientists ensured that the integration of profound spiritual wisdom and advanced science, forged during a much earlier cycle of human civilization, would eventually be available to be understood by us, at a very specific time. Before you scoff and write me off, you should understand that I speak from personal knowledge, experience, and years of intensive research and reconstruction of the true meaning of pivotal ancient concepts. I have documented comprehensive proof of these assertions, as you will grow to truly understand as you study this book series.

Throughout this series, you will see that my focus is squarely on the symbologies evidenced in Egypt-Nubia, which were the basis for the specialized variant used by [Amen]Moses and later sages to structure the symbolism evidenced throughout the Hebrew canon, derivatives, related concepts, and narratives. These sages and the symbologies they utilized have the specific mission of conveying wisdom about the true nature of life in this universe and how that directly affects the future existence of humanity and our civilization. This wisdom was expertly hidden to prevent religious leaders and their cohorts from forever burying it beneath their blatant lies and misrepresentations.

I will focus less on the specific details of “eastern” philosophies and religions like Buddhism. Even so, it will become obvious that many of the concepts encoded by the ancient wisdom symbologies I demystify directly address many of the same topics because the underlying causes and functionality of our realities are the same for us all. Interpretations and perceptions of reality will differ though, especially those based on the assertions of religions. That is why I have endeavored to look beyond what any religion or “ism” has to say about the nature of existence. Instead, I compare the deeply ancient sources of these concepts with pivotal findings on the frontiers of “modern” science to finally prove the truth about ancient wisdom symbology and what it has always encoded.

The Doctrine of Two Spirits shown below and on the rear cover is the refinement of pivotal ancient wisdom that is the basis for truly understanding morality, dualism, and karma (ka-maat). It is likewise the refinement of the precept from the Dead Sea Scrolls‚ Community Rule, defining human character and behaviors and the foundations of ancient wisdom symbology. The “two spirits” (ways, paths, inspirations, inclinations) symbolize good and evil, the dual moral opposites used to define positive and negative deeds and spirituality.

It is important to grasp that the wisdom and philosophies of ancient Egypt were consistently dualistic in nature because that is the true structure and functionality of this universe. Thereby, to successfully navigate through an existence that is verifiably structured and driven by the flows and interaction between opposite polarities, one must truly understand both the positive and negative.

As you contemplate the moral guidepost presented by the opposing spirits shown below, remember this is a guide to the causes of positive and negative existence, for yourself and everyone else. It is not meant to further divide and demonize people, but to illustrate the wisdom required to finally cooperate and succeed at creating a better reality for everyone, everywhere. Its purpose and that of the symbology that it defines and organizes, is to deliver pivotal wisdom designed to help humanity finally evolve beyond the self-destructive path, that we have been stuck on for ages.

Doctrine of Two Spirits

(a.k.a. Two Ways and Two Tables of Stone)

The Spirit of Good (Life) -Seven Spirits (Inspirations) of God - Positive Motivations 
The Path of Truth and Justice - (Righteousness and Perfection) 
Symbolized as: Seven Pillars, Eyes, Seals, Candlesticks, and the Temple of God
  1. Truth, Knowledge, Enlightenment, Discernment, Perfection 
  2. Wisdom, Insight, Understanding, Intelligence, Ability
  3. Humility, Modesty, Patience, Empathy, Piety
  4. Self-sacrifice, Courage, Righteousness, Integrity, Virtue
  5. Compassion, Helpfulness, Generosity, Charity, Love
  6. Freewill, Optimism, Cooperation, Harmony, Joy
  7. Justice, Fairness, Equity, Safety, Peace

The Spirit of Evil (Anti-Life) -Seven Spirits (Inclinations) of Iniquity - Negative Urges The Path of Greed, Falsehood and Injustice - (Vanity and Error) 
Symbolized as: Marks, Names, Heads, and Images of the Beast
  1. Greed, Envy, Materialism, Excess, Money, Extortion, Usury, Profit, Wealth
  2. Falsehood, Equivocation, Deceit, Politics, Hypocrisy, Betrayal, Fraud
  3. Ignorance, Folly, Delusion, Hero Worship, Religion, Idolatry, Ritual, Dogma, Fear
  4. Arrogance, Impatience, Selfishness, Vanity, Untrustworthiness, Neglect, Indifference
  5. Anger, Insolence, Obstinacy, Callousness, Jealousy, Antagonism, Hostility, Malice, Hate
  6. Harm, Aggression, Provocation, Treachery, Violence, Cruelty, War, Conquest, Chaos
  7. Injustice, Inequity, Exploitation, Oppression, Subjugation, Inquisition, Enslavement

Later religions of this region took this ancient merger of science and tightly integrated spiritual philosophy, that was modeled and encoded using advanced symbologies, and ignorantly and deceptively recast it as a literal battle between good and evil people, gods, and other supernatural entities. History and the sad and sordid state of current affairs are overwhelming proof that humanity has been doing something very wrong, for a very long time. The Doctrine of Two Spirits is the simple guide to grasping the true mindset, focus, and purposes of the ancient sages and prophets. It is the essence of the body of wisdom and science they endured millennia of great struggles to ensure would reach us intact, despite ages-long efforts to obscure and misdirect it by religious leaders and cohorts.

The above outline is the expanded listing of the seven attributes (sub-spirits, qualities, behaviors) of each of the two primary “spirits” with some added references and clarifications above each outline. The bold items at the start of each numbered line represent the simplified listing, as well as the focus and purpose of that line. If you compare this to the back cover, you’ll see that the middle and last items on each line are not in bold here. I wanted to provide a cleaner presentation that showed both the simple and expanded listings within the same outline.

This maxim unequivocally reveals the Creator's true nature and “Her” “judgments” of humanity prophesied to be delivered by Melchizedek (among other names and titles). You’ll grow to truly understand what this means as you read through this book series. It is important to grasp that assertions about “divine” judgments are greatly mischaracterized philosophical and symbolic concepts purposely recast by religious leaders to exploit the ignorant and gullible masses. To grasp the source of these traditions, it is important to understand the great importance of truth and justice to the Egyptians and Nubians and their philosophy associated with Maat. As the feminine personification (symbol) of truth and justice, which they correctly understood as the basis for universal order (a.k.a. laws of the universe), Maat (along with related symbolism) is the archetype for and focus of much later symbolism, including the original symbolic texts of the Hebrew canon.

Read the balance in the Ebook  Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Proof that Money is Slavery by Proxy Causes Panic Among US National and Civic Leaders

PRESS RELEASE - November 22, 2011
See the list of recent press releases.

***Update: 11/30/2011
You may read the full article "Money is Slavery by Proxy" which now follows this release

Click on image to download and use as a poster

The desperation displayed by the recent illegal collusion against Occupy Wall Street by many big-city Mayors proves that US leaders are now in abject panic mode, because a growing number of people finally grasp that Money is Slavery by Proxy.

These leaders, acting rashly and arrogantly to protect wealth and money, have blatantly colluded across state lines to trample protesters' Constitutional protections of free speech, right to assembly, and other constitutional guarantees. Hundreds of thousands gathered across the country, plus millions more on the internet, are demanding redress of legitimate grievances, long ignored and ridiculed by the rich and powerful. It is both unconstitutional and a standard practice for police forces across the USA to apply extra-judicial punishments to people not yet charged with any crime. Since most of these have been poor minorities in the past, most people turned a blind eye or quickly forgot about it, even when such incidents were exposed on video. 

Now police and civic leaders across the USA have demonstrated that their police forces are so accustomed to trampling Constitutional rights that they arrogantly concluded they could get away with assaulting peaceful protesters, even though they were filmed doing so. That level of arrogance and callousness is a telling sign of what occurs outside of the spotlight. It now becomes hard to deny that the ultimate purpose of police forces are to defend the rich against the poor, and any others that get out of line. The cities of Oakland and New York City stand out as stark examples of the arrogant mindset that money, profits, and corporations are more important than living people or their protections under the US Constitution. While striving to bury the truth, they have instead produced additional powerful evidence that greed, money, and profits have trumped the US Constitution. Our leaders blatantly serve those with the most money, while cruelly oppressing those with the least. This exact same dynamic also plays out on the international stage.

In addition, there are continuing efforts by police forces and the Federal government to infiltrate, scapegoat, and disrupt the efforts of people who oppose the fraudulent economic and political activities of our leaders, corporations, and the obscenely rich that control them and thereby manipulate the lives of everyone else. They have worked overtime manufacturing lists of excuses as pretexts for why it is OK to attack peaceful people seeking their constitutional rights. They have repeatedly used agent provocateurs and other tactics to cause violence and numerous other problems to be used as justification for blatantly illegal and unconstitutional violent attacks. National and civic leaders have cluelessly committed felonies by these actions, exposing their level of fear, desperation, and arrogance. 

Many watching from the sidelines are scratching their heads and wondering aloud why so many civic leaders would risk so much by colluding across state lines, in conjunction with Federal officials, to commit felonies against the Occupy encampments in their cities. It is understandable that individual cities would need to manage their local situations and even trade knowledge with other mayors. But to escalate to blatant collusion to use force against the movement, in multiple cities on the same day and others over the next couple of days, raises this to a felonious assault and interstate conspiracy to knowingly circumvent the US Constitution. These actions, and the level of desperation they expose, are strong evidence that both national and civic leaders fear something else, beyond the obvious spectacle and muddled message of these protests. It is also evidence that they are being directed and managed from a single location, even if all the mayors are not fully aware of this.

Still the question remains, why make such desperate moves across multiple state lines, and why now? To further complicate the situation for the leaders in NYC, they have just made a very big deal about arresting and charging a young man with terrorism, even though the FBI advised them against it. This comes two days after another so-called "lone wolf" allegedly fired shots at the WhiteHouse and was captured and charged with attempting to assassinate the President, even though he was not in the country at the time. The timing, the profiles of these two "lone wolves" and the too perfect stories that were ready too quickly after their arrests exposes these as fraudulent attempts by some in positions of power to quickly change the news from the currently unfolding debacle they caused by their own arrogance. 

Now these leaders have gone as far as manufacturing terrorist arrests meticulously designed to change the news cycle and misdirect peoples' attention. What is even more bizarre though is these latest two arrests are perfectly timed and designed to smear Mr. Page, a.k.a. Seven Star Hand. This very same pattern and technique has been detailed in previous releases and precisely matches that of the Norway and Arizona shooters earlier this year. This technique comes directly from the playbook used by Christian Rome and then the Vatican for centuries to falsely accuse and scapegoat entire populations, including the Knights Templar, Cathars, Jews, Muslims, etc. Now we see Mayor Bloomberg using these exact same tactics when he feels threatened. Why would these leaders go to such desperate extremes against peaceful protesters? 

The hidden factor is that those pulling the strings of these leaders now greatly fear that the Occupy movement may soon become allied with and advised by former software engineer Buddy Page, the author of Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols, by Seven Star Hand. It was also recently made public that the animated expose' of the banking system titled The American Dream Film was purposely based on the works and persona of Mr. Page, aka Seven Star Hand. Consequently, these leaders have moved in multiple ways to attempt to prevent Occupy Wall Street and related movements across the country from accepting and understanding the proof that Mr. Page has published regarding the true nature and purpose of money, as well as who sits in the shadows manipulating the entire planet. All the evidence throughout the last two millennia point to the Vatican as the site of the secret central bank of Planet Earth.

Now that Mr. Page and others are making progress towards educating protesters, and the far larger group of supporters and the like-minded, about the true nature and purpose of money and the US Federal Reserve System, national and civic leaders have panicked and acted strangely and foolishly. They have shown by their actions how much they fear the truth about money, more than they fear these protests or even the blowback from the illegal collusion to violently attack them. They have also shown how much they fear this national movement will finally start focusing on the correct target and utilizing a quote by Seven Star Hand, purposely designed to cause panic among these leaders, ergo "Money is Slavery by Proxy." These latest events prove the effectiveness of this simple quote when matched with the supporting evidence.

Until recently, these leaders were comfortable, because they, their agents, and moles had effectively set Occupy Wall Street on a path to failure, away from the true sources and causes of the financial and monetary problems now plaguing the entire planet. Though the people joining Occupy Wall Street and related satellite movements know that great economic injustice exists, they have strangely failed to clearly enumerate any clear message or goals. It has become obvious to many that this group was either designed to fail or is being pushed in that direction by the agents of those who control our monetary system.

The articles titled Money is Slavery by Proxy and Seven Star Hand Illuminates the Collapse of the American Dream can be read at Forging New Human Paradigms. They summarize the knowledge and evidence that has caused national, civic, and corporate leaders to foolishly jump into a well-laid trap. The only way out now is through truth and justice.

As I have repeatedly said,  Greed and Arrogance make you stupid...

Here is Wisdom...

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Money is Slavery by Proxy

Click on image to download and use as a poster
Thomas Jefferson wrote:
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty"

It should be obvious that we are involved in an epic struggle to break free of those who use their control of money to control our leaders and governments and then use them against us and other nations. Truth and wisdom are the only sure guarantors of freedom and justice. On the other hand, ignorance is the surest path to enslavement.

Since humanity is enslaved to those with the most money, the only sure path to freedom is that which leads away from ignorance about money and those who secretly control it from the shadows.

Please read the previous press releases and articles and watch the attached videos to better understand the scope and nature of the problems we face.

Seven Star Hand Illuminates the Collapse of the American Dream
Proof that Money is Slavery by Proxy Causes Panic Among US National and Civic Leaders


This is a long article written as a mini-course designed to expose the true purpose, nature and functionality of the deception we know as money and illuminate that which has long been purposely hidden. I avoid the myriad arcane details of finance and economics because they are little more than smoke and mirrors. There is plenty of other detail covering the core aspects and concepts though, so you will need to be a little patient. If we are to succeed at escaping the clutches of those who have bought and corrupted our governments, the truth about money must be understood by enough people to make a difference. Money is their source of power and we have no chance of out competing them if we foolishly continue to play the rigged game they have laid out for us.

Money is the plague, not the cure, it is sugar coated poison. It is a well-laid trap for all of humanity, as you should grasp when you are done with this article and the related links. Luckily for us, money is also the Achilles heel of those that use it rule this planet. Since it is a great deception that relies on secrecy to persist, the trap can be solved through the application of targeted truth and wisdom.

Those who strive to mislead and deceive the people of the USA and the rest of the world, about the topic of money and finance, do so because they know an ignorant people are more easily divided and conquered. Truth and wisdom are the ultimate defenses against enslavement through deception. The entire planet has been meticulously enslaved to those who privately control the creation of money and use that power to manipulate governments, markets, currencies, and the lives of billions of people. The resulting civilization is plagued by myriad terrible problems that are all symptoms of one core problem. Wasting time trying to solve each of the millions of symptoms, while ignoring the cause, is a fool's errand.

Those who rule this planet using money know this well and their best defense is to ensure your continuing ignorance. Please be a little patient and I promise to make it worth your time. Some things are far more valuable than any amount of gold and money, but they only come to those with the patience to grasp them. Though I have greatly shortened the learning curve and time involved, wisdom still requires patience.

Wisdom is defined as the simple defining concepts and understandings that describe a more complex body of knowledge and/or a larger system. Wisdom can also be described as the simple truths that are the refined essence of a larger body of knowledge. Most who use the term "spiritual gold" have no idea that it is symbolism referring to wisdom and its unmatched value when compared to mere knowledge. Wisdom thereby gives the bearer the simple keys to grasping and effectively controlling much larger systems, by solving great mysteries and defining accurate solutions to otherwise impenetrable problems and insurmountable barriers.

To understand the difference between knowledge and wisdom, read the definition starting on page 60 in my book, at Google books. You may read and/or download the full unrestricted ebook for free via my website. After reading this article, I also suggest you read the book's Preface for a better understanding of the simple wisdom that will help define our futures.

Contemplate, that if knowledge is power, then wisdom is super power. We will never out compete those who control money by foolishly continuing to rely on money, which they control and can create out of thin air. The only way to win against such a foe is to accurately identify the target, its Achilles heel or fatal soft spot, and focus your energies there. It will take both wisdom and cooperation to escape such a ubiquitous trap and avoid the great global debacle that is currently unfolding. If you wish to help save humanity (and yourselves…), then put on a thinking cap, practice patience and humility, and I will impart the necessary wisdom for us all to succeed, sooner than later.

The topic and title of this article is; Money is Slavery by Proxy. That is the simple wisdom that flows from the knowledge presented throughout this article and the attached links. Even if you failed to read the article and merely followed the title as an axiom, you would still likely succeed at freeing yourselves from the yoke of debt, money, and bankers. By reading and understanding the associated knowledge, you will understand the truth instead of needing to believe or trust what I say. Then, you can make better choices and help others understand the associated hows and whys, as we proceed to rescue the rest of humanity from the great delusion called money.


Read what else Thomas Jefferson said over two centuries ago:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property — until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

In any struggle for justice, you must know your enemy well or all of your energies and efforts will be wasted in the wrong direction, and then your dream will die. Currently, the Occupy Movement and most people who are struggling for economic justice have no clue who, where, or what to focus on and thereby have no chance of ever deciding on or reaching a goal of their own choosing. Even most of those who target the Federal Reserve strangely conclude that money is still required. "Money" and those that control its creation are the true enemy. Until you grasp this vital wisdom, most of humanity will remain clueless slaves to a deception they think is somehow helping them.

Humanity is like a bunch of addicts, in love with a poison that is obviously killing them. Central banks manufacture the poison and banks and other financial institutions act as the dealers and shills. Thereby, those who own and control the central banks that set the monetary rules that lead to everything else are the correct focus. More importantly though, your enemy is not the individuals, but the great deception we call money.

Solving the correct problem in the correct way will solve all the myriad symptoms of a money driven civilization that have caused millions to rise up in protest and revolt. To cure a plague, you must correctly determine both the cause and the cure. If you only focus on symptoms the affliction will only stop if you are very lucky, and the presence of the plague is not a sign of good luck. Thereby, the only sure way to solve a great problem is to accurately discern its cause. Failing to do so guarantees failure.

We've all seen the movies where the evil wizard is finally killed and his tower, other structures, and armies crumble to dust because the dark magic that created and maintained them is finally defeated. These are all purposely symbolic of the effects of targeted truth and wisdom. Every beast and every Death Star has a hidden key that will destroy it. Keeping such wisdom from the masses has been vital to those that rule through deception about money and related topics. Unfortunately for them, certain lies have a troubling habit of returning to haunt you, at the worst possible time. Those with such horrendous karma should only expect bad luck to come their way, and that time has arrived, with a vengeance.

As the global financial system slowly implodes upon itself under obscene levels of debt, deception, and greed, it should now be obvious to all observers that global civilization is on the brink of a great calamity. Unless we can wisely and proactively cooperate to prevent the chaos and suffering that will inevitably ensue, we will find ourselves being foreclosed on by the same international bankers that are now imposing so-called "austerity measures" throughout Europe. It must be understood that the end result of "austerity measures" is for central banks (and their owners…) to reap huge profits and take possession of national resources, as entire populations are plunged into epic struggles and suffering.

From the viewpoint of karmic consequences, it is wholly appropriate for western nations to find themselves now facing the same austerity measures long-imposed on developing nations, by western monetary institutions. Industrialized nations have used these precise same tactics in the so-called third world to deceptively impose debt slavery upon a long list of struggling nations. They were purposely impoverished so westerners could steal their resources to improve so-called "quality of life" and profits in Europe, the USA and other industrialized nations.

Now, "that bird has come home to roost" and western nations have fallen prey to the same debt monster unleashed on the rest of the world. As they say, karma can be a bitch. Even so, bankers must not be allowed to succeed at the great deception they have used to methodically enslave the whole planet. Now that most westerners can see the true face of the system they have profited from and cluelessly supported, now is the time to finally act wisely.

Sadly, our so-called leaders are so steeped in money, religion, and politics that they have no chance of ever coming up with any true solution to these problems. It is also beyond obvious that they are puppets to those with the most money. Consequently, even if they know how to solve problems, they are restrained from doing so by their puppet masters. Any idiot should now be able to grasp that those strings are made of money. As we also see unfolding in Europe, politicians play the games they are told to, by those who pull their strings.

We are also beyond the bailout stage and this crisis will plunge global civilization over a cliff into a great debacle. Before that happens, a critical mass of people need to understand the long-hidden truth about money. Otherwise, most will foolishly participate in an unfolding disaster that is easily avoided because it is based on a complete illusion. The underlying deceptions have already been exposed and the solution is clear, but it is hard for most to accept at first.

Money is so ubiquitous that most can't discern its widespread negative effects or that we have all been deceived into a purposeful trap fashioned by bankers and financial corporations. Whomever controls a nation's money sources and creation also control its leaders and lawmakers and thereby literally control everything necessary for life. As the events of recent years have repeatedly shown us, those who control money control our leaders and governments. What they don't control, they are arrogantly destroying, as evidenced by the relentless exploitation and poisoning of nature in the psychotic pursuit of ever more profits by people who already have enough money to live in luxury for many lifetimes. It is clear that they are consumed by greed and we have foolishly permitted demonstrably psychotic people to gain control of the entire planet through deception and widespread ignorance about the true purpose and effects of money.

The root of evil is greed, but money is the most effective way ever devised to impose greed as a way of life and to consistently empower the greediest and most arrogant. Ever heard of a poor politician, dictator, or Pope? Greed, money, and profit are the root cause of the destruction of nature and the impending collapse of human civilization. Over 90% of all human effort is wasted because of greed, money, and profits. Consider the Texas sized islands of garbage in the oceans.

Ever heard of planned obsolescence or seen the staggering amounts of wasted resources collecting in landfills across the globe? Do you know how much food industrial societies waste out of vanity and arrogance? The list of sources of obscene waste and excess is extremely long and this is only the tip of the iceberg. How much effort and resources could be saved if we stopped wars and conflict? Money is the most important fuel for war and war is one of the great sources of debt imposed upon nations. It should be clear that our leaders keep pushing for wars because they are huge profit sources for the central banks, bankers, and corporations that pull their strings.

The ultimate solution to the vast majority of humanity's persistent problems is to eliminate money and replace it with wisdom and cooperation. When we eliminate money, it will only take a mere fraction of the effort and resources now wasted to establish a wise and cooperative civilization, easily able to provide for the welfare of all people. The current system is purposely designed to cause poverty and suffering to keep the other slaves fearful and productive.

Money is a man-made system, not a natural law. When any system fails and causes such horrendous consequences, it is a moral imperative to scrap it and stop the suffering and struggle of billions and the destruction of the natural world. Our civilization and species is near total collapse because of peoples' ignorance about the true nature and purpose of money and the obscene levels of greed among our so-called leaders.

Sadly, most people react with a combination of fear, surprise, and outrage when presented with the idea that eliminating money is the key to establishing a truly just civilization based on cooperation and wisdom and without powerful leaders. As I have explained on numerous occasions, most people are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome regarding the concept of money. Though it should be obvious that money causes deeply negative results throughout the entire civilization, most fear its absence because it is currently required for ready access to the products of our civilization. Money is the key and the chains to human enslavement. Its spell must be broken.

I'll summarize the important concepts below. For more detail, read the linked articles, watch both videos, explore the articles on my blogs, and read my books.

Debt, Compounding Interest, and Endless Loop Math

Still unknown to most, all money from all sources is created as debt with compounding interest attached. Even so-called gold-backed currency is created as debt. This forms a mathematical endless loop that produces huge levels of ever-expanding debt, throughout all levels of the entire civilization, faster than it can ever be repaid. The very act of creating, loaning, borrowing, and using money adds to a nation's debt load. The way the system is designed, there will always be debt. Also, there will never be enough money to pay off all debts. Consequently, this system guarantees a certain amount of poverty and suffering because it guarantees there can never be enough money to go around and service the ever expanding debt load. If there was, it would be difficult to coerce people to participate in economies and continue the insane drive for constant profits and growth in a finite and damaged world.

The hidden endless-loop math of money as debt drives the need for profits and non-stop growth as people forever chase an impossible goal. Profit driven economies are merely the symptom of this deceptively simple core math. Thereby, money is not a store of value as you have been told, but is debt with ever compounding interest that causes inflation, reduces its exchange value, and helps drive the constant need to make more, just to survive. Instead of a store of value, it is a way to deceptively steal value, further driving the need for more growth.

In other words, the whole world has been duped and herded into the conceptual equivalent of a hamster's wheel or dog-racing track, forever running in circles chasing a lure that always remains out-of-reach for most. Even worse, the winners in this system, though immersed in luxury and shielded from most of the fears and struggle that plague the poor, are actually more deeply deceived and deluded than those with less wealth and material baggage. Sadly, they also have the power of life and death over those with less money.

Another very instructive analogy is the carrot and stick, since this system guarantees poverty and suffering, because there can never be enough money to go around. When the already limited money supply is further reduced by profits, wars, waste, hoarding, speculation, corruption, etc., the numbers of those suffering is unavoidably increased because of the artificial shortages created by the purposefully planned shortage of money. The combination of a perpetual state of artificially created shortages for the impoverished (because of lack of money, not lack of resources), contrasted with the great abundance and luxury for the wealthy, illuminates the core psychology used to create both the fear and greed that drives economies, financial systems, and nations ever forward. In other words, a hamster's wheel, a dog-racing track, and the carrot and stick perfectly symbolize how this system forces almost everyone to run in circles chasing a lure that remains out-of-reach for most.

It is vital to realize that the massive debts imposed upon the whole world have been done so through deception, which is why the true nature and purpose of money has long been hidden from most. Many now grasp that debt equals slavery, but now that you know that all money is debt, it should be obvious that money also equals slavery. As we see bankers impose austerity measures in Europe, just as they have been doing in less fortunate parts of the world in recent decades, the goal of international banking should be clear to all. As we watch the world slipping towards the vortex created by the imploding global monetary system, it should be obvious that one of the next targets on the bankers' shopping list will be the USA. Turn a blind eye now and it may be too late for everyone.

Fractional Reserve Banking

Now that we have touched upon the deceptive endless loop math of money as debt, let's look at how money comes into being. The first thing to reiterate is that most money comes into existence when banks make loans. Government bonds, the US Mint, and other methods also add money into circulation as different forms of debt obligations. Banks, and to a far lesser degree credit unions, are the primary outlets through which money is loaned into existence. The big secret is how the process works.

Most people are under the misconception that banks make loans using deposits from customers. In fact, they use those deposits as the basis for more mathematical slight-of-hand, officially called Fractional Reserve Banking. Put simply, banks don't loan depositors money but are instead allowed to loan many times more than what they have in reserve. Depositors money and other valuables on deposit count towards the reserve amount, which only has to be a certain percentage of the amount they can loan. That required percentage is the "fraction in reserve," hence the name, fractional reserve banking. The required fraction is different at different times and for different reasons.

As an example, let's assume a bank has one billion on deposit with a reserve requirement of 10%, which is on the low side. Under those circumstances that bank could legally make nine to ten billion in loans. In other words, the money that banks loan, only comes into existence when a loan is made. Thereby, banks create money out of thin air in response to a promise to repay it, and then people slave their lives away paying off debts and chasing more money while bankers and others in the financial and monetary "industries" are able to simply conjure virtually unlimited funds into existence with little more effort than is expended making the loans.

Consider again how much suffering and struggle occurs across the entire globe because there is never enough money to go around. For those people who take out loans, should they fail to repay them on time or miss payments, banks take away property, kick people into the streets, ruin their ability to live normally, and hound them for years afterwards. When you consider just how easy it is for financial institutions to conjure money out of thin air, it should repulse the mind at how cruelly people are treated for falling behind on payments, most especially for an illusion of value so effortlessly created. This is purposely hidden from most people because bankers and financiers know "they are pulling a fast one on billions of unsuspecting dupes."

Fractional Reserve Banking is thereby a combination of legalized theft, deception, and fraud with the sole purpose of duping people into slaving their lives away for an illusion created by hidden mathematical slight-of-hand. As you can see, the greediest and most arrogant people on the planet have spent centuries methodically stealing lives and property from billions of people globally. That is the price of ignorance about the true purpose of money and trusting those who are so greedy they have no qualms about cruelly enslaving the entire planet.

Credit unions are different because they are usually non-profit membership organizations. Though they must use some form of this, they are less extreme than banks because of being non-profits with members.

Credit Cards

Credit cards don't use the same math, though something similar is in play. They are also based on the concept that money is debt and financial institutions are empowered to create that money out of thin air. Credit cards do away with cash and are instead a numerical medium with an account balance, hence a line of credit that can be drawn on per whatever rules are in place. They are another type of loan but with less security and higher interest rates and fees because the individual purchases are generally smaller than home, vehicle, business, or student loans. As most have experienced and/or observed, they are a constant source of temptation and convenience, which is why they are the perfect lure to dupe more people deeper into the debt trap.

Credit Ratings

The seemingly innocent system of credit ratings for every individual has also reared its head as part of the deception designed to help enslave people to debt and money. If loans and debt were ethical activities, then keeping track of someone's record of repayment makes perfect sense on the surface. Since it is clear that money and debt are purposeful deceptions, it should also be clear that credit ratings are merely a way to enforce certain behaviors that increase productivity and subservience among billions of slaves.

Immediately after 9/11, some of the more sinister aspects of credit ratings came into full force. To almost everyones' surprise, they immediately became one of the tools used by Homeland Security to profile people boarding aircraft. How is it that a sinister new super agency created by the Bush administration decided to used the instruments of the banking and financial industry to keep track of and rate everyone, based on what private credit rating agencies had on file? In other words, without telling anyone the private tools used by private financial organizations were suddenly used as tools of law enforcement in the so-called War on Terror, when they were supposedly looking for terrorists.

They did this without the need for legislation, and without warning, which serves to prove the close relationship between those who pushed the many deceptions of the War On Terror and the international banking industry. The War on Terror has been immensely profitable for them because the USA's debt levels have been dramatically increased and the war profits have been immense for the corporations and politicians that played ball. It should be obvious who the War on Terror benefits the most.

Credit ratings are now also used to rate job applicants, determine car insurance rates, and numerous other things they should never be used for. It should be obvious that this is a purposeful component in a long-term plan to enslave and corral everyone using money and debt. Those who control the world's financial systems are blatantly striving to conquer the entire planet. Pay close attention to how seamlessly our government started using private credit rating systems to impose travel restrictions and other consequences that the courts and lawmakers seem to be strangely quiet about.


Derivatives have been in the news since the years leading up to the 2008 crash. Following is the first paragraph from the Wikipedia definition for derivatives.

"A derivative instrument is a contract between two parties that specifies conditions—in particular, dates and the resulting values of the underlying variables—under which payments, or payoffs, are to be made between the parties. The term "Derivative" indicates that it has no independent value, i.e., its value is entirely "derived" from the value of the underlying asset. The underlying asset can be securities, commodities, bullion, currency, live stock or anything else. In other words, Derivative means a forward, future, option or any other hybrid contract of pre-determined fixed duration, linked for the purpose of contract fulfillment to the value of a specified real or financial asset or to an index of securities."

In short, derivatives are another way that large corporations have devised to use a combination of speculation and slight-of-hand to manufacture additional value out of thin air. In other words, they are not satisfied with the obscene profits made through existing methods, so they have dreamed up another way to create the illusion of value, which they then use to create more money. Banks have also used these smoke and mirror financial instruments to inflate their apparent reserves, which permits them to make more loans, and so on. This is one reason why banks were pushing first to relax the rules on derivatives and then to sell so many mortgages. It permitted them to greatly inflate their reserves, since derivatives were easier to come by and inflate in value than other options. This is also why these banks and related corporations crashed and needed bailouts.

When the underlying mortgages started failing in large numbers the values of the greatly inflated derivatives crashed into negative territory, and we all saw the results. That is why the Fed was required to inject trillions into these banks, over and above the TARP bailout and other shenanigans to obscure the full scope of the problem and hide what the Fed was up to in the shadows. Recent news stories validate this analysis.

Just like debt based money, derivatives are subject to crashes and unexpected events. The form of derivatives that caused the 2008 crash were mostly based on bundled mortgages. In other words, a bunch of housing mortgages would be bundled together, insured, and then through arcane formulas would be greatly boosted in value. Essentially, they have found a way to give themselves massive injections of value (assets) and loans based on the bundled loans of others. When the economy started crashing, people stuck with bizarre loan arrangements and loss of income started defaulting in droves. The derivatives based on those loans started failing and they were valued many times more than the bundled mortgages used to craft them.

When you hear pundits and politicians blaming poor people, just remember the insane level of advertising for mortgages in the years leading up to the crash. The absurd number of Countrywide Financial mortgage ads is the prime example, especially because they (and many others) were purposely selling as many mortgages as fast as they could, and to anyone they could. The purpose was to bundle them together to create derivatives, which were then valued many times more than the sum of the mortgages.

When these mortgages crashed in high enough numbers, the whole deck of cards came tumbling down and the corporations that had the most exposure to derivatives suddenly were caught with their pants down and hands in the cookie jar. That is why the bailouts were pushed through, because the smoke and mirrors broke and they had to erect more smoke and mirrors to hide how big the problem truly was, and who was most responsible.

When coupled with the big push for an "ownership society" during that very same time period, it is beyond obvious that President Bush and others were blatantly doing the bidding of the bankers that pulled their strings, by aggressively pushing more people into these bad mortgages that were sold in such great numbers, so they could create derivatives. You must understand that bankers knew many mortgages were bad, and they knew they would eventually crash, because that is how the markets work.

Thereby, regardless of all the misdirection, scapegoating, and blame shifting, the 2008 crash was clearly an engineered event, in large part using derivatives. It was no accident and it should be obvious that some made out like bandits during the previous crash because they planned and caused it. The other thing that is obvious is the crash happened sooner than expected. They had hoped to foist it off on a Democratic president, but their luck failed and it crashed before the election. Now we have another crash brewing, once again just before an upcoming election year.

Boom and Bust

While on the topic of financial crashes, it must be understood that the cycles of boom and bust are an unavoidable feature of a debt-based and profit driven economy. There is no way to avoid the cycles of ups and downs in this system. Banks and financial institutions have known this reality for centuries and use it to their advantage. Banks make lots of loans during the boom periods and reduce them during the downturns. It must be understood that downturns are the banks' harvest times because a certain percentage of loans will always fail and that percentage increases during bad economic times. Also, when you can engineer market and economic fluctuations, you know when to bet on them and thereby use those events to take profits in other ways. Once they have skimmed profits during the downturn, the next round of loans brings in more suckers, always ensuring a steady flow of failed loans and stable loans, both of which are profit sources.

Consider how people who have paid a part of their mortgages lose the entire home when they lose the ability to make monthly payments. The bank has earned money towards interest and usually towards the principal. Thereby, when banks foreclose on partially paid off properties, they take the whole thing to resell it. They usually make out like bandits while pretending otherwise. The longer the home has been paid on, the bigger the profit when it is repossessed. Foreclosures are thereby a hidden source of profit for banks, which is one reason they are so ruthless about them.

Now consider again the topic of "austerity measures," which in fact are another method international banks take profits from entire nations who have trouble paying their debts. It must be fully understood that banks know entire nations will eventually fall under the weight of their debts. In fact, that is the ultimate reason for imposing such huge debts through the various deceptions associated with money and banking. The unavoidable result of a civilization based on money, profits, and debt is that the bankers at the top of the hierarchy will eventually own everything and everyone. The global financial system is a combination pyramid and ponzi scheme. The unfolding collapse in Europe should be proof enough that bankers are now scrambling to take profits by repossessing the people and nations they have swindled.


As a natural outgrowth of a civilization built on greed and profiteering, speculation (betting) has long been integrated into the financial systems of the entire planet, in the form of stock and commodity markets. Derivatives are another form of betting on future outcomes. Stocks and derivatives are both methods to manufacture new value out of thin air. They are riskier than other forms of "value" but also have the ability to produce new wealth out of thin air. It is also a way to quickly shift wealth from one place to another, which is why it is an irresistible lure to many.

If these activities had no effect on lives outside the circles that participate in speculation, it would not be a problem. But economies, currencies, corporations, commodities of all kinds, and the price of virtually everything is now tied into multiple sources of speculation. Even the values of the currencies themselves are the target of multiple forms of speculation. In recent decades we have watched speculation on oil prices drive the cost far higher than any so-called natural market forces would have. It should be obvious that is one of the goals.

It is also obvious that certain corporations and billionaires use market and commodity speculation to secretly manipulate prices and conditions, using a wide range of tools and methods. In other words, there is a natural ebb and flow to economies and markets, but centuries of experience and advancing computer technologies give some the ability to purposely manipulate pricing and market activity on a wide scale. They do so as a standard practice to pump profits out of the markets during both boom and bust times, as well as causing the crashes that regularly occur and cause widespread hardships for almost everyone else.

You should already understand that banks and speculators purposely use market and economic downswings and crashes to generate massive profits. When you couple that knowledge with their ability to manipulate stocks, bonds, commodities, and relative currency values at will, it should be obvious that the lives of billions are made a virtual hell so the rich can play gods with the variables that effect the quality of life for billions. Furthermore, banks use economic downturns to take profits and property. Now you should also understand that they have long had the ability to cause price swings and market crashes. They do so regularly because it is immensely profitable if you have their insider knowledge. In this computerized world, they have honed that art into a dark science.

As you should grasp, all levels of all monetary systems and economies of the planet have been purposefully and meticulously designed to permit those who control money to control everyone while profiting from the very existence of money, ergo Money is Slavery by Proxy. There is also the satirical spin on the meaning of the golden rule; He who has the gold makes the rules. Money forms a numerical hierarchy in societies, so that those with more control more peoples' lives and those with less have less power within the system. Thereby, whoever has the most is at the top of the conceptual pyramid and whoever has the ability to create the money others use, has the most by default.

Since you know money is debt created by central banks, it should not be too hard to see who is actually in control of our planet. Since most central banks are secretly private, instead of public, the individuals who own and control the US Federal Reserve System and other central banks are the source of most of the suffering and struggle of billions of people worldwide, because it is immensely profitable. The only permanent solution to the problem is to end the existence of both money and profit.

Money causes stifling complexity, social inequalities, and crime

When most people consider the topic of money, they fail to understand that it is a system, not just the stuff you hold in your hand, spend, or save in the bank. Consequently, it is the overall system and its widespread effects on societies, individuals, and the natural world that must be understood to ever hope to solve and escape this trap. As you have seen by now, it is a complex and multi-level system with many variables, inputs, products, and activities. Without rules and constant manipulation, money as an overall system would have failed far quicker than now. It is also important to remember that those rules are purposely fraudulent and deceptive.

Thereby, the myriad problems that plague humanity are knowingly caused because greater complexity, managed chaos, and destruction are all profitable in the long run. The very existence and requirement of money and profit spawns exponential complexity because of all the systems and effort required to make and manage it, insure it, protect it at banks and all throughout all levels of the society. People are driven to all extremes to acquire money which causes widespread crime leading to more levels of protection in the forms of laws, police, insurance, and on and on. All of this spawns stifling complexity, which causes more overall activity. The more commercial activity that occurs, the more loans and debts are created. The rebuilding of cities and nations after wars also generates commerce, after the huge profits for bankers from national war debts and the need for more money to rebuild.

The math of money as debt and the actual functioning of economies guarantees there will be the super-rich and the super-poor, as well as most somewhere in between. The social inequities that underlie most crime are unavoidable in a civilization based on money and profit. Both communism and socialism were initially conceived as solutions to this, but both still relied on money, which is the ultimate problem. Socialist countries still have many of the same problems, but to a lesser degree. Those systems are now also collapsing under debt because of the deceptive nature of money. Most communist countries have turned to capitalism over the last two decades and thereby have less of a debt load because of the shorter time involved with banks and debt-based money. This is a telling distinction that demonstrates the cumulative effects of the involvement with central banking.

The other important aspect is that economies and monetary systems, based on the endless loop math of money as debt, simply cannot function unless money is scarce and hard to acquire for most. The core math also ensures there will never be enough money to go around or to pay off the massive unavoidable public and private debt load. This means that as long as we rely on money, there will always be impoverished and suffering people plus the larger group consumed by fear of being poor which leads to greed for money, profits, and material things. Because of vast inequities due to the imposed requirement of money, this civilization is wracked by crime, wars, and great levels of completely avoidable struggle and suffering

There is only so much potential in any system and civilization is a system. When most of that potential is sucked away by money and all that it spawns and multiplies, what happens to the needs of the living? Now the problem is greatly increased by astronomical debt and deception. Not only has the US national debt ballooned far beyond what is being publicly acknowledged, but corporate debt is far, far greater.

Simplicity has long been associated with wisdom for various reasons. The first is covered in the definition linked to early in the article, hence wisdom is the simple understandings that define a larger system and/or body of knowledge. Another is that a simple personal life and simplified societies and civilization are themselves facets of wisdom because they are a vital key to reducing the overall difficulty of life. The quantities of resources and energy required to maintain civilization are greatly increased through complexity and minimized through simplicity. A simplified lifestyle and resulting societies consume and waste far less and thereby entail less effort to maintain and improve overall quality of life.

Conversely, greater complexity requires far more time, energy, and resources because there are more parts of the system in motion and that requires more of everything. Likewise, the interaction of excess activities creates a feedback loop of related activities, and so on. The more you own and control the more you must keep track of, protect, insure, maintain, pay towards, etc., etc. Thereby, simplicity is wisdom on many levels.

Constant growth, waste, and destruction of life

Economies based on debt, money, and profits require constant growth to stay ahead of the ever growing debt load and the need to make and spend money to live and make progress. Constant growth requires constant money, aka debt, resources, effort, and energy that would not be required if there were no constant need to produce profits. Products must be constantly pumped out to maintain the flow of money. Economies have less to do with solving human needs and are mostly geared towards producing a non-stop flow of products, and thereby profits. This of course requires money and generates other activities that require more money, which ultimately benefits the bankers. Thereby, economies as we know them are an unnecessary and greatly damaging concept and activity. If there were no need for profits, there would be no need for the constant growth that has ravaged nature and humanity alike.

Now consider that we live in an insanely complex civilization because of the existence of money and all that it spawns. All of that extra wasted effort produces great debts throughout the whole interconnected civilization. Likewise, the imposed requirement of money and its purposeful shortage causes a greatly increased level of fear and greed. That results in far more resource and energy use because of the perception of the need to hoard to stave off the ever present threat of financial disaster.

In our technological civilization, another factor driving constant growth is the desire for newer and better gadgets and others products that are rarely shared and thereby require more production, resources, energies, etc. Similarly, there is the ever present effect of planned obsolescence, where products are designed to fail or have limited usefulness so people are required to buy updates, repairs, replacements, and future models. In addition to requiring a constant flow of resources extracted from nature, industrial activity also produces great amounts of waste, poisons, and environmental disruption and pollution. Many products require packaging, so the packaging and eventually the products themselves join the non-stop flow of non-recycled waste and poisons that get dumped back into the environment in various ways.

If we made products designed to last, shared more, and found a way to eliminate and reduce packaging needs, it would dramatically reduce the effort, resources, and energy required and wasted. The constant drive for new energy sources would be unnecessary because we would have reduced our energy needs far below what current technologies can already cleanly produce. It would thereby immediately and greatly reduce pollution, climate change, etc. These would be some of the many benefits of eliminating money and profits and thereby the false and destructive requirement of constant growth within a system secretly designed to enslave everyone, but a hidden few.

The ravages of money and profits effect people, societies, global civilization, and the entire natural world. Then there is the wanton destruction caused by wars and militaries, which would become unnecessary in a wise and cooperative world, without money and without powerful leaders. Industrialization and profit-driven economies requiring constant growth greatly accelerated the destruction of the natural world over the last two centuries. Western civilization effectively conquered the planet, first through wars, genocide, and colonization of the so-called New World by decimating native populations. Then the resulting colonies and nations were ensnared through money, banking, and the industrial explosion that followed.

Imposing the monetary system globally directly causes widespread struggle and suffering. One unavoidable and unsolvable result is the persistence of an economic underclass among people and nations alike, because of the purposeful shortage of money. The blatant oppression and impoverishing of the so-called third-world is how western civilization has blackmailed and exploited resource rich nations.

Books like "Confessions of an economic hit man" detail how deeply deceptive tactics were used to impose massive "development" loans that largely went to pay western companies to come in and exploit whomever and whatever they could. Oppressed and impoverished developing nations were made desperate so their resources could be swindled cheaply. This helped prop up western societies where most were kept in the dark about how their "quality of life" was supported. Finally, this sordid reality is becoming widely understood and despised by growing numbers of western citizens. Once you put it all together, it is beyond obvious that international monetary institutions and banking in general are blatantly evil activities operated by the psychotically greedy and arrogant.

Now, with far greater populations than 200 years ago, the effects of the profit motive (greed…) and constant growth are extremely damaging to humanity and are destroying the only planet we have. There is very little time left before we reach the climatic tipping point that will likely result in the ultimate failure and destruction of our civilization. The wild weather and storms of 2011 are a mere taste of what awaits us if we fail to make the correct changes now. Luckily, the monetary systems that are responsible for the destruction of the planet are in the process of an accelerating and calamitous collapse. Consequently, we now have the chance to proactively prepare to escape the fate that would befall everyone, if we remained ignorant and did nothing.

A Native American wise man once said:
"Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you find that money cannot be eaten."

Greed is the first step on the path to evil but money is the most effective way ever designed to impose greed as a way of life. Humanity has been duped into allowing the greediest and most arrogant among us to control everything, due to our own greed and ignorance about the true purpose, function, and greatly negative effects of the deception we call money.

Misdirection, Proxies, and Planet Earth's Secret Central Bank

Besides hiding the truth about how money, monetary systems, and economies actually work, those who cruelly enslaved the world using money have gone to great lengths to hide themselves behind several layers of misdirection. Consequently, those who strive to understand who is behind the global monetary systems have been led astray by various false trails, scapegoats, and proxies.

Contrary to what many have been duped into believing, "The Jews" do not control the world. Any obvious evidence available to the masses on a topic this explosive and tied to so much power can usually be dismissed. It is true that the House of Rothschild is a powerful family of bankers and financiers deeply involved in hiding the truth about what they do and why. They have been the target of myriad conspiracy theorists, and that has been by design. Part of their function is to serve as a visible proxy and thereby a lightning rod to protect those that strive to remain invisible. As the result, most have no clue who truly rules this planet from the shadows. Please be aware that this historical discussion requires an exploration of Judeo-Christian history and the relationship to banking. I am seeking to solve this problem, not to pile blame in the wrong places, as have many with a lack of investigative skills.

One of the best ways to hide a great secret is in the open as something else. It should be obvious that our modern world was built on the foundations of the ancient world, yet many overlook this vital insight into current situations. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Western civilization came out of Europe, which was under the yoke of the Roman Empire and then Christian Rome until the wave of revolutions swept Europe following the successful revolt by the 13 former British colonies in North America.

Most don't grasp that the Church was as much a target during these revolutions as were the conspiring kings and aristocrats (bankers, the rich, etc.). This was most obvious during the French revolution, but the earlier American revolutionaries went to great lengths to ensure the church did not gain control of the state, as it had throughout the previous 17 centuries.

Now we have the strange little remnant of the Roman Empire called the Vatican. It is vital to grasp that the Roman Empire never really died, but morphed into Christian Rome which then split into the eastern and western empires, and both were Christian. The eastern "half" was the Byzantine Empire (Byzantium). It was the largest of the two and was a true military and economic empire. It persisted until the Ottoman Turks took Constantinople (now Istanbul,Turkey) in 1453, just 40 years before the wave of exploration, conquest, and colonization that followed the voyages of Columbus and other explorers.

The Western Roman Empire remained headquartered in Rome and they were a completely different creature altogether. It is important to understand that the dark ages were mostly a western European situation caused by the iron hand of the Church, which feared any knowledge that might counter their religious dogma. It was a long and terrible period that was not experienced outside of western Rome's sphere of control. These "dark times" are behind much of what occurred later, because western Europeans were desperate for a better existence and acted badly when released from their prison, unto the rest of the world. The combination of mostly unrestrained greed and exploitation drove exploration, treasure hunting, colonization, and the drive to forge new nations and empires in newly subdued lands.

It must be understood that there was money in most of the ancient world and there was also credit and loans. Ancient Egypt was an exception, because they used a resource based economy and initially merely inventoried, valued, and allocated resources without a separate exchangeable store of value. In fact, money as we know it was kept out of Egypt on purpose and wasn't officially introduced until after they were conquered by the Greeks and then the Romans. It was also in use in the surrounding regions and certain practices would have seeped into Egypt because of the need to trade with those using money.

In the ancient world, Babylonia seems to be the first empire with separately traded paper receipts, coinage, credit, and interest, a.k.a. usury. It is very curious that the ancient sages and prophets repeatedly warned about the dangers of usury. Because of ancient Israel's close association with Babylon and the surrounding region, the Hebrew texts have long provided evidence that usury and "money-changing" were viewed as unethical for millennia. Since the Hebrew sages are an offshoot from the Egyptian wisdom traditions, it is clear that their viewpoints towards usury come out of Egypt, along with most of the moral foundations seen in the Bible. The other curious practice that the Hebrews borrowed from Egypt was called the Jubilee, where all debts and obligations were forgiven and slaves freed.

Another important understanding about the ancient world is the progress of empires that set the foundations for later Western civilization. Babylonia/Assyria was the source of the money and usury that has been used to forge and manage empires, but especially those known for imperial behavior and conquering. Babylon was then conquered by the Persian Empire, which was later conquered by the Greeks, who were later conquered by Rome. Thereby, when the Persians took control of Babylonia, they also took control of Babylonian money, usury, etc.

Likewise, control of money was passed on to the Greeks and then to the Romans as each new empire absorbed the previous. All of these empires were imperial and ravenous and were based on money, profits, and some form of banking, finance, economies, etc. The same four empires are described in the Old Testament and symbolically linked to specific metals associated with them. Babylonia was gold, Persia was silver, Greece was Bronze, and Rome was Iron. It is important to notice that the ancient source of money is associated with gold. It is also curious that a great gold mask was found in the excavation of Troy, a Babylonian outpost.

These four great ravenous empires (hence their symbolism as beasts…) had one thing in common. They controlled the sources of money and banking in the region of North Africa, Asia Minor, and southern Europe. Then Imperial (pre-Christian) Rome spread it throughout their empire and into Europe. It was already well established in the Middle East and ancient Israel. When Rome conquered Israel, it set the stage for the events that would result in the formation of Christianity.

Though the New Testament can't be trusted as accurate history, it and the Dead Sea Scrolls do nonetheless agree that Rome and its installed religious and political leaders were strongly opposed by some of the locals. Stories about money-changers in the Temple and discussions about greed and usury demonstrate that the focus of those intense struggles were about the mixing of religion and money by the Priests installed by Rome.

Another of the things mostly misunderstood about the ancient world is the close association between the state, religion, and wealth. Religion was the original tool for building nations and forging a national identity, narrative, and mindset. The kingdom and its gods were seen as one. Ancient Babylon took this to even greater heights and the pomp of religion became the pomp of the state and both were worshiped. This same behavior was also well known in Rome. It is through this ancient mindset that money, religion, and governance/politics became so tightly bound together. Even today, the strange mixture of money, religion, and politics dominates our civilization's civic life. Just as now, religion and wealth were tightly wed because religious leaders are flimflam artists who know how to use the gods to enrich themselves and their temples.

The discovery of a massive treasure worth over $20 billion beneath a centuries old temple in India provides valuable insight into this ancient reality. Religion has always been a great source of wealth and power, in part because offerings made to the gods became the property of the temple, and the priests were always well compensated and well fed. Temples were also used as safety deposits and banks in some places, which included both Babylon and Rome. In ancient Egypt, temple organizations stored and distributed grains and goods to those under their charge, but their ultimate treasures were the wisdom passed down by the ancients. Temples served as part of the distribution network for the primary products of Egypt's state run agriculture, which were distributed throughout the kingdom.

In Rome, we have clear evidence that the office of Chief Priest (Pontiff) also had control of great wealth. An early step on Julius Caesar's path to becoming Emperor was to be elected Chief Priest so he could gain access to the money he required to buy the votes of the lower classes. This historical insight shows the well-established link between politics, wealth, money, and the Roman Priesthood. Afterwards, we also see the raging controversies in ancient Judea/Israel about usury, greed, and "money-changers" in the temple, which was recorded as setting up an "abomination" in the Temple, that was also called "the abomination that brings desolation."

One of the important things about the Hebrew temple before Greco-Romans invaded was the separation between money and the temple and especially the avoidance of usury in the temple itself. It is clear that the Romans and the Priests they installed were using the Hebrew Temple as the financial and monetary center of the state, just as was done in Babylonia and later in Rome.

This is important to our timeline because it is before either Christianity or Christian Rome came into being, even though Rome would prefer you concluded otherwise. Ancient Israel became a Roman territory following the defeat of the Greek empire. The Temple Priesthood were installed by Rome and ultimately did their bidding. As was the practice in Rome, they also used the Hebrew Temple as the local financial center, which included credit and loans, hence usury. This was in direct opposition to the expectations of many and was one of the things that led directly to the revolt.

It is also important to note that at this point in history we have a religious and financial alliance between Rome and certain elements within ancient Israel. They were clearly opposed by others. It is vital to notice that these priests and others were subservient to Rome and did their bidding, to the point that a large segment of the population revolted against the religious bankers and their Roman overlords.

After the destruction of the Temple and the ethnic cleansing of those who opposed Rome (the tribe of Judah), what we now call Judaism and Christianity came into existence. Neither existed before the Temple was destroyed and afterwards Rome oversaw the formation of both, so they were properly coordinated to their liking and for their purposes. The close association between Rome and those not cleansed from the area then morphed into Judeo-Christianity, when the state religion of Rome became Christianity.

Since then, Rome has gone to great lengths to impose its state propaganda about that time period. That has been an important function of Christianity since its inception, but it is important to note that Judeo-Christianity was formed out of the remnants of the religion and wisdom texts of ancient Judaea. Christianity has always based its claims on the so-called Old Testament. One thing that has existed from the outset is that Judaism and its leaders were subservient to Rome and Christianity.

After the events that we have been told were the fall of the Roman Empire, Byzantium flourished for another nine centuries until the 1450s. During that time western Europe was controlled by the Church from Rome via the monarchs they controlled and were allied with. During this time, we see the exact same pattern evidenced in ancient Israel and other territories of the Roman empire. Rome installed and controlled religious leaders, the church and state were inseparable, and local leaders followed Rome's dictates. This was the period of the dark ages, the Inquisition, and the Crusades.

It is important to grasp that Rome and the Church controlled all the levers of their empire. That means there was no one else that could have controlled the empire's money, banking, and financial systems. To suggest otherwise is a joke. It is important to notice that the marriage between the Chief Priest of Rome (Pontiff) and the Roman Empire's wealth were clearly still intact.

There are three important insights from this time period that allow us to see proof that the Church was still the banking and financial center of the empire. The first is the behavior of the Vikings who learned early on that Churches were storehouses of wealth. They purposely targeted outlying churches and religious compounds, because like bank robbers of the future, they knew that is where the money and wealth were concentrated and they were usually poorly defended. The Vikings weren't afraid of Christian gods, so the fear used to keep others at bay had no effect on them. The Vikings have thereby left us proof that the Church and money were still tightly wed.

The next insight from this period revolves around the plight of the Jewish people in Europe. Since the fall of Jerusalem, Rome had scapegoated all Jews because of the claim that some in Israel supposedly killed Jesus, which history has no record of beyond Rome's Christian stories. Jews were oppressed to different extents at different times and some was brutal. Just like in Nazi Germany, they were persecuted and barred from employment in many professions.

Strangely though, in some places the only jobs permitted were in the financial industry. It is bizarre enough that Rome persecuted the Jews, while basing their own religion on the Hebrew canon, but then to force those cruelly oppressed into finance, banking, and gold related endeavors makes no sense whatsoever, except as a plan for some future use. The Church in Rome controlled the reigns of the empire's money and wealth, yet for some reason they chose to force those they cruelly oppressed into becoming the empire's future financial professionals. It is important to note that Rome is still in control of the reigns of money throughout this time.

Next, we look to the story of the Knights Templar. It is already well known that a small band of Knights went to the Temple in Jerusalem, excavated and discovered something so profound (and disturbing to the Church) that suddenly the Knights Templar become rich and powerful and took over a portion of the banking during the Crusades. In fact, one of the reasons the Church and the King of France conspired to attack and disband them in 1307 was to regain control of the international banking the Templars had been doing for two centuries. Europe was deep in debt after the Crusades and a large part was owed to the Templar banking system.

Only those who controlled the empire's banking and money could have given this small band of Knights the ability to do banking in the empire. They found something severely damaging to the stories of Christianity and they blackmailed the Church, which gave them a banking concession and a great amount of wealth and authority. As power hungry as Rome has shown itself to be throughout history, the Templars sudden rise to wealth and power is proof that whatever they discovered caused great fear in Rome.

After the Crusades were lost, they lost political power and backing. Rome and the King of France made what they thought was a surprise raid to round up and shut down the Templars on a Friday the 13th in 1307. Unfortunately for Rome and the King of France, they utterly failed to capture either the secrets used to blackmail them or the Templars' wealth. Years later we see Swiss banking in one of the lands where a large number of Templars escaped and then successfully defended against a series of attacks by Rome's proxies, ergo the armies of other European nations.

The next big turn of history is the wave of exploration and colonization that greatly expanded the scope of western civilization, and gave birth to the USA. The early explorers were contracted to the Church/State as seen in the actions of the southern European (Catholic) explorers. Their great greed and ruthlessness is directly related to the desire for gold, silver, and other wealth, a sizable percentage of which went directly to the Church. Later, as continents were conquered, and colonized, many new nations came into being and all were Christian. It is important to remember that at this point in time the central bank of the empire was still in Rome and the western Christian territories were expanding in the Americas.

As we move through the 1700s, growing efforts to break free from the old constraints of the Church/Kingdom paradigm lead to waves of revolts that deposed kings and religious leaders and resulted in democracies and other forms of governments (dictatorships…). This period saw the fall of the old power structures in western Europe, which eventually included the fall of the Papal states in Italy during the 1870s. While this was occurring though, the Church's territories and wealth were growing in the New World.

Though great changes were occurring in Europe, neither money nor religion were defeated. These were Rome's traditional tools for spreading the empire and regaining control over lost areas. Since the populations were still mostly Christian, half of that battle was already won. The other half would also be won, but the truth was well hidden until recently.

So, this returns us to the importance of Rome's reasons for pushing cruelly oppressed Jews into becoming the obvious, visible, and often despised class of money-changers, bankers, and financiers in Europe and the resulting colonies. It is important to grasp that the fall of Rome was the fall of the western empire's military. The Chief Pontiff, state religion, banking and monetary, and administrative and legal knowledge remained intact. Likewise, the accumulated knowledge and experience of Imperial Rome became the seeds for the expansion of the western Roman Empire following the collapse its military.

From this point in history forward, Rome's influence spread throughout western Europe using the ancient tools of empire building, namely religion and control of money. History shows how Christian Rome made alliances with all the kingdoms of Europe and those monarchs imposed Christianity using the power of the state. What is mostly hidden throughout history are the secret financial arrangements that bound these kingdoms to Rome. Religion alone would never satisfy Kings and aristocracy, so it should be obvious that money and international finance were also involved. Also, that it was centralized in Rome and managed by the Church hierarchy. Consider this as you contemplate why modern leaders still treat the Vatican as they do.

The new western Roman Empire, unlike the Eastern empire, had given up on the idea of maintaining a large and expensive military force. Their new approach was to manage an empire of proxies and to hide the full extent of these dealings from the general public, though not wholly successfully. From the seventh century forward, Rome used the Church to re-establish control of lands the military had withdrawn from in the preceding centuries, and then as the management arm of the western empire.

One of the lessons Rome learned from its military downfall was to avoid becoming a military target themselves, by not being a military power. Power was projected through proxies using money, religion, and politics. Keep in mind that Machiavelli wrote the Prince after his dealings with the Papal states. Italy was a cesspool of political intrigue since the days of Imperial Rome and it remains so even today. Rome and the Church have a long and well earned reputation for manipulation and Machiavellian activities because that is how they manage proxy states and international politics.

Rome has many centuries of expertise setting up and managing proxies and scapegoats and manipulating them against one another. Rome conquered the Jews and after the fall of Jerusalem used them as both scapegoats and proxies to help establish the Christian historical narrative. Even so, there were always Jewish leaders who worked closely with the Church. Centuries later, after the disbanding of the Knights Templar, Rome made a concerted effort to establish a Jewish financial class. Pay close attention again to the merger of religion and money and how international banking and finance was a function of the Roman Church, but for some reason it was "gifted" to certain Jewish families.

Consider again Rome's penchant for setting up both proxies and scapegoats in their efforts to manipulate and take advantage of the flow of events and the ever shifting monetary, political, and strategic sands. It is clear that they saw the changing landscape in Europe during the 1600s and 1700s, as well as the expansion of the number of nations and markets. Thereby, it should be no surprise that the Rothschild family rose in prominence during the late 1700s and early 1800s.

Most people don't realize that the Rothschild Family have the official title of "Guardians of the Papal Treasure" per the 1901 edition of the Encyclopedia Judaica, (1901–1906, Vol. 2, p.497). These are not conspiracy theories, but verifiable facts. The story has been circulated that they came to the Pope's rescue and loaned money to the Church and was given the job and title in gratitude. In actuality, this was the culmination of a process began in the previous centuries. It also perfectly matches the ancient roots of Judeo-Christianity and money. It is at this point in history that Rome's control of banking becomes more deeply hidden and the myth that Jews controlled the world arose. Once again, we see Rome's original scapegoats now working as proxies to manage their wealth and banking systems and serving as the reason for some to scapegoat all Jews.

Many who oppose the US Federal Reserve are aware of the stories of how it was installed in 1913, as the result of a secret meeting on Jekyll Island. Before this point, the US did not have a central banking system. Afterwards, the deceptively named private corporation called the Federal Reserve became the central bank of the USA. This unconstitutional fraud is secretly owned by a group of shareholders, part of whom are not US citizens. It was at this point in history that the Rothschild family and cohorts took control of the financial instruments of the USA, which are subservient to and generating profit for a hidden cabal of international financiers. Keep in mind, that at no point in history has Rome ever lost control of the reigns to money in their mystery empire.

That brings us through history until today, where we see the strange little ancient city-state in Rome now called the Vatican (City of Prophecy). It is well known as the richest and most valuable patch of land on the planet. The Church boldly displays large quantities of gold, jewels, artwork, and other treasures. Churches and Cathedrals throughout their global empire are large and opulent beyond belief. The Vatican also has its own publicly acknowledged banking system. Note that this follows the exact same pattern seen in the ancient world, which is to what "money-changers in the temple" refers.

There are dual purposes for this long historical discussion. One is to highlight the history of money and trace it and credit (usury) through time, because those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. The other is to demonstrate that there has indeed been a conspiracy to lie about this history. The purpose is to hide the truth about the secret central bank that has been used to enslave humanity.

As I said at the start of this section, the best place to hide a great secret is in the open as something else. The Vatican and Papacy use this axiom to hide the secret central bank of the planet. The Papacy and Judeo-Christianity are used as smokescreens to hide the Vatican's most important function in the modern world, ergo to hide and manage the secret central bank. Another important function of the Rothschild family is to help hide the fact that all of their wealth flows from Rome and they are Vatican operatives. They are bound by common wealth and a common fate when exposed. More importantly though, all the world's debts and banking are tied to a hidden set of accounts.

It is well known that the US Federal Reserve, Bank of England, and others are controlled by private stockholders. Behind them sits the House of Rothschild, the Guardians of the Papal Treasure, a.k.a. the Vatican Treasury. Behind them all sits the Vatican, the remnant of the Roman Empire that has secretly used money to build an empire far larger than ancient Rome could ever have dreamed of. Now it is time for the following to transpire.

Quatrain 10.65
O Vast Rome, your ruin has arrived
Not of walls, but lifeblood and substance: (money, religion, and politics)
The one of rough letters (surprise !!!) cuts so terrible a notch,
Pointed steel thrust all the way to the hilt (sharp two-edged sword issuing from my mouth...)

Alas, certain lies have a troubling habit of returning to haunt you, at the worst possible time.

Now, I want you to contemplate that these liars have long purposely misquoted what was originally written two millennia ago about the money-changers in the temple. The correct phrasing should have been "turning the tables on the money-changers in the Temple."

At long last, the tables have now been turned...

What are the solutions?

The ultimate solution to these problems is to form a new civilization based on wisdom and cooperation. We must cooperate to end the existence of money and thereby end the power of those that currently control our civilization and refuse to stop destroying our planet.

First and foremost though, the task at hand is to make enough people aware of the truth about money and who is behind the struggle and suffering of so many. As I said at the start of the article, the knowledge herein is summarized by the title, Money is Slavery by Proxy. This is the targeted wisdom designed to break the spell created using money and related deceptions. Spread this simple message far and wide and as quickly as possible and get people to read this and the attached links.

Use the attached graphic as posters and spread on the web and post physically anywhere it can be seen by many.

Here are four relevant links to two articles I wrote years ago and two good videos. Follow-ups and updated articles will follow soon. My website is behind the final link.

Money is the lifeblood of the powerful and the chains and key to human enslavement

Understanding and fixing the failings of politics and democracy for the benefit of everyone, everywhere

The Collapse of The American Dream Video

Here is Wisdom…

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