Monday, January 21, 2008

MLK Day and Life in Amerika

As this Martin Luther King holiday passes, I thought I'd add another point of view about the so-called "American Dream." It is now clear to see that all of the hype of the last three or so centuries resulted in a true nightmare for humanity. It began as a candy-coated nightmare, grew in size and intensity, and now it ends in ignominy. Remember the instructions to "know them by their fruits?"

We all owe the Bush/Cheney crew for ripping away the veil from atop the pyramid that has long obscured the history and Constitution of the USA, both of which are "illuminated" deceptions. Imagine; all that wealth and power coming to naught as people understand the truth about the USA and the Vatican's other past empires. Notice how they're grooming China to take the helm as the next evil empire, secretly run from Rome? Do you think they care who gets hurt in the process?

Have you seen this image and read these articles yet? This is a pivotal key to truly understanding the deception that is the so-called American Dream and how the Vatican fits in.

Also, watch this video by Rammstein titled "Amerika" for another enlightening point of view.

I too have a dream, that one day very soon all of humanity will be freed from the great deceptions and delusions of money, religion, and politics. Only then, can there be true freedom, truth, and justice. Only then, will deceptive monetary, political, and religious leaders lose the ability to manipulate and exploit humanity like livestock.

Until then, the deluded multitudes will continue slaving under illusory whips wielded by flimflam artists from behind ages-old smoke and mirror deceptions.

Here is Wisdom...
